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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. https://www.panthers.com/news/panthers-head-coach-interview-tracker-2023-candidates
  2. One of the best examples of analytics use from this past offseason... The S2
  3. Raiders... (half the equation now solved)
  4. We have people here who think you can make long term reads based on one drive of a preseason game
  5. No there isn't. And citing "home grown" after the season we just had screams lack of knowledge.
  6. Yeah sorry but, outside of his being smart, none of that means anything.
  7. It's been a pretty consistent message.
  8. I'd be okay with hiring Brandon Brown as GM / personnel chief while keeping Morgan as either the Assistant GM or in some other role.
  9. Looked up the bio on Jeff Scott. He's also got a scouting background but has worked in cap management as well. Makes me wonder if Samir Suleiman is in danger
  10. Even if that means hiring an analytics guy instead of a personnel expert? I'm definitely not going that far.
  11. One correction: Brandon Brown is not an analytics guy. I had him mixed up with someone else.
  12. Haven't seen Jeff Scott's name before, have we?
  13. We've had a couple of different reporters ask people around the league to rank desirability of working for the Panthers as GM or head coach. In all cases, we've pretty much universally been named as the least desirable destination. We are going to convince somebody to take the job of course, but I'd stop short of saying it'll be because We look like anything close to a great opportunity.
  14. Feels like Tepper's gonna try something "new and hip and edgy" again
  15. Jones worked at SI for a while before moving to CBS Sports...
  16. I'd take a personnel scout over an analytics guy ten times out of ten.
  17. While I prefer new blood, if the other GM candidates are all analytics guys, I'd just keep Morgan.
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