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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. baker hospital ball special....a la mcfkadooo...
  2. oh...yea...like we have a 2 minute offense...lol
  3. ...its our mantra...practice the same bs all week with nothing new to offer...
  4. ...hes godda thread every pass...when i watch GB...TB....NYG...receivers are running nuts...
  5. who among us didn't see that coming...we're conditioned to suck under fhule...
  6. u knew it was coming from everything incompetent...
  7. great...godda turnover...3 runs up the middle..punt...
  8. this could turn into one of the worst beat downs at home...
  9. why is everyone surprised at the suckage....we been watching for a long time...
  10. ...I never wanted to know how it was to suck cock.... but, im getting a good indication ....
  11. that bonehead ain't digging outta this sht anytime soon...
  12. Play ball..quit telegraphing .....its part of the game...
  13. ...just let nature take its course....
  14. ...I know we're gonna get pounded most likely ... I still have to support my boys...can't imagine them going thru this shtshow alone...
  15. holy sht... I know GB aint what they use to be..but damn.
  16. ....yea...he has real balls....not fake brass ones...
  17. ...thanks for further depressing me...
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