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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Tripp Tracy is still just the worst with the off the cuff commentary. Never change, Tripp
  2. Bet money it is covid. Good news is we have some great skating defensemen. Bad news is obvious
  3. Aho won't get respect from hockey media without a cup. Eric Staal barely did even with a cup and being from one of the bigger hockey families in Canada. But the league already knows. Aho is undeniable. Svech has to find his point production consistency. He could be a premiere winger but I fear he may be stuck as being just another really really good winger. Which I'm ok with but he could be more. Just want him to be a point per game guy.
  4. Well last night went well. Let's see if we can get over on Vancouver tonight. They're all healthy, we have some guys out. They're also pretty rested. They aren't world beaters but they're a good hockey team with fresher legs than we'll have. No lineups yet but I'm excited about this one after the other Carolina team absolutely ruined my day.
  5. Failure to get the early point you need means you can't win without a miracle.
  6. Cam gets murdered, put into a bad play call, and then sacked because OL bad on his last series so Rhule pulls him. I am done. I'll be back when Rhule is gone. All my sports energy is going to the Canes. fug this team right now. Bunch of morons running this team into the ground.
  7. Get ready to see PJ next series because Rhule is a desperate little bitch
  8. Cam has his foot stepped on and turns it over trying to give us a chance. I'm mad but also not mad at the same time. Like this is just comedy at this point. God has forsaken us.
  9. The thing with Cam is the offense can't struggle. He's a good passer...but not great. He's the best run threat in the league. There is no other player like Cam. There are faster QBs, more slippery QBs, but not any with his ability, size and ability to still be an adequate passer. If he's not running, he's less dangerous and the offense is less potent. Cam isn't a guy we can rely on because he will be hurt eventually. We know this. But for the immediate future (this season and I believe next season, minimum), he's our guy and should be our guy. Eventually we need a better QB, but we're not finding better anytime soon. Best option.
  10. Cam has literal years of experience running 2 minute offense in big games that mattered, and Rhule doesn't trust Cam to execute the 2 minute drill but does trust PJ fuging Walker who looked like a player out of his depth the entire drive he was in. Inept fuging dumb goddamn coaching Fire. Rhule.
  11. The OL overall looked very good that drive. Let's see if they can keep it up. Maybe Jeff has this offense functioning properly, maybe it's just the early honeymoon phase. Regardless, that's the best use of screens we've had in two years or longer.
  12. This is winnable. Just keep the puck in their end. They'll breakdown.
  13. If you're an NFL coach and you can't designate one or two assistants to stare down the line and watch for penalties during team offense....you should probably not be an NFL coach. This is a sad state of affairs. Like kudos for doing something, but this is a bad sign.
  14. I'm watching as long as Cam is playing this season. Beyond that? It'll be dependent on hope. I'm more glued to the Canes. That's a franchise that knows how to build and get better each year.
  15. I don't think anybody thinks Brady is a bad coach. I think he probably knows a lot, but he IS a bad OC. At least right now. He'll be back in about 5-6 years after he has had some OC experience at a smaller program in college and prove himself.
  16. Sign of bad leadership from the staff. The team captains and natural leaders know their role is to buy in to the coaches and ensure the team follows suit. So of course PJ and Reddick are going to be more critical of the players. Internally they may feel a certain way but they're trying to compete still so they at least vocally express that they're still bought in. Trying to save the sinking ship of a season. Rhule and staff have failed. We're regressing because we're not doing the little things right and what we're doing in all three phases of the game has become predictable and limited by bad OL. Teams have us figured out. When we're less predictable early on or when we run a fake punt, we look good. The minute we try to catch a rhythm, we're locked down.
  17. Can go play in traffic. Walk them out onto 77 and tell them to stay until the Panthers problems are solved. You run effectively in the first quarter and give Cam a chance to be Cam a little. We score. You limit almost every pass play to short throws, we struggle to get enough for the sticks. You have undisciplined players everywhere. As frustrated as I am with refs, they all suck and always will. Best way to beat the refs is to not be undisciplined. And look at us. You have 3rd and 2 on what you KNOW is your last drive. You don't run Cam. You call a Sam Darnold play. It fails. 4th and 2, you don't run something like an RPO that puts Cam in position to make a good decision while scheming something open for 2 yards. You run a play that needs time with an OL that you know is garbage. Can't even just manipulate the DL, let them free themselves right into Cam's face where he can't run. Brady is a coward. Rhule is an idiot. Snow is fuging clueless (let one receiver torch you all day and can't stop the run). They gotta go. Cam appears to be as good as one could hope Cam to be at this point in his career. He looked damn good. Now get out of his fuging way.
  18. 3rd and 2 and you don't call a QB power? WTF? Why not? It's Cam fuging Newton. You say you don't want Cam lite, well you fuging forced Cam lite after that first quarter. fug this staff.
  19. Brady called this game like a coward all day and it showed. Let him learn from this or we need a new oc. Cam looks strong, no need to waste the rest of his career.
  20. Well they have halftime to review those plays on the tablets and fix it. We need a stronger defensive showing. Cam will get us points but the d has to allow momentum to build
  21. Our game to lose at this point. We're the better team, and we're out playing them
  22. Tremble running Greg's old seam route and Cam finding him is fuging beautiful
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