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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. I mean wtf are you supposed to say here beyond what he said. "I coach UCLA. Cool conference, much excite" really covers it. I think he WANTED to say more but I mean... fug it I tried. Dude had no idea what to say. Deshaun is probably a better coach than speaker. Or he fugin better be lol
  2. Idk, gut feeling. I think we'll be largely competitive, even if scores end up one sided sometimes. I don't think we have the experience and cohesion to really be battling week in and week out for 4 quarters, but we'll hang around through 3 and some days we'll have our poo together and get some wins. Towards the back end of the season, as long as we can tell we've progressed and improved, it will have been a good season. That's the marker I'm looking for. First 4 games, I am anticipating sad times lol
  3. We hover around .500 and have hope for next year.
  4. Offensively, I think TMJ shows out. Defensively, Horn finally stays healthy and kills a full season
  5. Literally only listen to Sleep Token at this point
  6. D-Will did basically nothing his entire rookie season. He'll be fine folks.
  7. lightsout


    Game is a ton of fun. Really does hit that arena shooter itch without the lame that is CoD. Still has its weirdness with net code but otherwise, solid game. Hope Ubisoft doesn't fug it up after this first month of feedback.
  8. Different games even then. Back then, big bruising backs were still a thing so some naturally stout kids with speed played RB and tried to become that. Brooks grew up in a time where RB can be the skinny, shifty guy. Good news is college packed on muscle. Could keep adding
  9. I don't think so. I think once you're measuring electronically, the spot is where the sensor says it is. So if it says half yard short of the line to gain, that's the spot. Now how that works with scrums and the ball moving on two minute drills and poo is anybody's guess.
  10. From my understanding the side judge is still there Again side judge + booth official Again, officials. This tech is only for spotting down and distance
  11. Key is, Brooks runs big. Once he develops the power to be effective in that run style, watch out.
  12. He's a rookie. He'll be light this season and adjust his diet and training next off-season. Typical RB progression for smaller backs that aren't utilized similar to CMC types. Which Brooks won't be. I expect him at around 225 before season starts, depending how they're treating him. Which is only 10 lbs lighter than Stew in his rookie season.
  13. The only problem I have with it is this. Human judgements and human mistakes are what give life to sports. We all may have a more accurate game thanks to this, but I'd venture to guess we'll have a less enjoyable sport because of this.
  14. It's different when you're Tiger. He got to be the best pro with weird mechanics. Bryce got to be a really good college QB with his. Not the same. Bryce has the work ethic, I think, to learn correct form. Especially if the coaches are blunt with him and drill him on it every single day. If they can have him consistent in his mechanics every snap by preseason, the rest is easy. If not...Bryce isn't gonna be here long as the starting QB.
  15. This take is just us expecting monsters at QB thanks to Cam, Big Ben, Etc. they're the exception, not the rule. Brady wasn't resisting sacks. Peyton either. They just stood tall and delivered. That and he's 5'10" being tackled by dudes who are 6'2+ every time. It's always gonna look easy for them lol
  16. I don't think he added much muscle mass, but he's probably gained 5 lbs, just based on this and his pressers.
  17. Bryce has lanky dude bod. When relaxed, he's never going to look like he has much. When muscles are activated, he'll look jacked. It's fine. Dude definitely been lifting though. Good.
  18. I felt this deeply. My Brooks mock me daily.
  19. Now that we've established mowing is a fun, relaxing time for all of us, let's talk mowing shoes. I'm an old man in my mid-30s but I traded the monarchs for some sketchers boots and goddamn are they nice
  20. Always been the knock on him. He's so good but we're so often good in front of him that he gets cold quick. He needs a flurry in front of him to start each period or it's like watching a rookie taking his first start in the net in the playoffs. He makes a couple big saves and he's usually fine
  21. I remember which of you motherfugers called it wraps after game 2 lol
  22. I expected Kuzy to get us set up shots for Svech and Aho from the circle similar to Ovechkin. Especially on the power play. That's a high percentage scoring area we fail to get to. We force so much net front and when it works, great. But when teams are collapsing, we gotta have a plan to open up shooting lanes.
  23. So why did we sit Kuzy? Was there ever a reason given?
  24. I'm missing the game. Somebody give me a briefer on how we've looked?
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