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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I remember in '06 people were clamoring for Brett Basanez or Stefan LeFors as the third QB and we couldn't decide which the Panthers would keep. They cut both.
  2. Somewhere in San Francisco, TRD must be rage-fapping after Matt Moore's sack-fumble/back-foot-almost-pick combo
  3. Philly's playing himself out of the starting lineup. It will take more than tonight to do that but he's off to a good start
  4. First three plays I see: good pass dropped, bad run, good pass dropped. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of drops this season
  5. Corey Brown has to stay healthy all season or we are fuged up the ass with a Mike Smith-sized dildo at WR
  6. 1. I do 2. Good No. 3 3. Another good No. 3 4. How does that help us this year? 5. See 4
  7. No, the fact that they're horrible makes them horrible loljk
  8. That's a double-edged sword. Good that he's tackling but bad that they were constantly picking on him with curl routes. Scares me about someone running a hitch and go and being wide open for a TD.
  9. You take that back, I saw him sack Jeff Garcia at my first live game
  10. Nobody's playing the woe-is-me game like a jilted lover over anyone but Vonleh, and the act is frankly getting old.
  11. I wonder what suit Vonleh will wear when he accepts his MVP award.
  12. Vonleh is gonna have a Hall of Fame caliber career Oh wait no he's not, he's actually gonna be pretty mediocre. Sorry I almost got caught up in the stupidity again Vonleh as a Hornet: meh, he's whatever. Shoulda picked so-and-so Vonleh the moment he's traded: WE TRADED THE GOAT WTF MJ UR THE WORST GM
  13. Personally i find this hilarious as fug. Imagine what kind of warning Alice would get
  14. Obama is killing this great nation because the libtards elected a damn Muslim in the Oval Office and now they're telling me what flags I can and can't fly. I pray that Trump gets elected so the real America can come back like it was when Reagan was in office
  15. I'd like to give a warm welcome to the new Raptors fans on the Huddle
  16. Ewing must hate Frank for some reason hah
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