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About Fenrir

  • Birthday 05/04/1989


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  1. We need defense, but this kid as the BPA would be a steal at 8. If you have the opportunity to draft a franchise LT, you do it, period.
  2. The chances of Myles Garrett ending up here are 0%. We are several years at minimum away from playoff contention and he clearly stated he wants to compete for championships.
  3. This is how I interpreted it as well. Cam speaks from the hip. Sometimes it lands, and sometimes it doesn't.
  4. He's a luxury player. Not a fit for an org like the Panthers in our current state.
  5. What I’ve learned from this game is that if it takes a final drive field goal to beat our beloved Panthers and you allow 5 sacks to our USFL quality D line, you may be a fraud of a football team.
  6. This isn’t just my homerism talking: Greg Olsen is such a superior color commentator to Brady that it truly is comical. Dude got completely fuged by Fox.
  7. Watching this Eagles d line makes me want the Panthers to draft a heap of pass rushers in the draft. Pass rush changes the game, doesn’t matter how good your QB is…
  8. Disagree, I think he will be an elite TE in the league, and those don't grow on trees.
  9. He doesn't fit a "need" but if you're drafting BPA and he's sitting there, it definintely would make sense.
  10. Agreed. These were some of the best in the NFL.
  11. Best looking home jersey: (honestly like all of their home options. The dark blue looks great as well) Ugliest home uniform. (Unis have been a disaster since the rebrand. The logo is awful, the wordmark is awful. The stupid fuging dots in the numbers are awful) Honestly there were many to choose from in this spot. Honorable mention to the Seahawks and Falcons Best throwback: (Helmet sets it apart. Just classic NFL goodness)
  12. Cowboys are a poo show. JJ should have moved on from being the GM a decade ago.
  13. The kid is from rural SC where hunting is a way of life. Why should he change for sensitive people online? I like that he's true to himself and lives life the way he always has. It's refreshing, to be honest. Also there are a lot worse offseason activities that an NFL player could be getting into, so not sure why there is so much butthurt in this thread...
  14. Titans will be more compelling with all of the front office moves they've been making, and with potentially spending the number 1 pick on a QB.
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