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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Happy Draft Day! 30htsas.jpg

  2. We'll be at Monkey Junction BWW's at 7:30 tonight...

  3. Happy Draft Day! We'll be at Monkey Junction BWW's at 7:30 tonight. :D117xv1l.jpg

  4. Happy Draft Day! a3o01g.jpg

  5. :lol: Oh yeah, forgot about her... :D
  6. What girl did I post tha looks like she's gonna kill someone?

  7. Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see I guess... it sucks ass.

  8. I like your profile info, anybody that likes the Panthers and Taco Bell is usually a good dude... welcome. Hopefully we'll have some football this year for you to follow from afar... :D

  9. My new avy... :D I know you like her as much as I do. 20kyctv.jpg

  10. If you wanna post a pic of a guy, go for it... posting a pic of two guys tongue kissing is nasty... neg rep coming.

  11. Pay for what? I'll trade for those midget chinese hookers...

  12. Soon as I get to a PC I'll forward u that BD link.

  13. Dude... seriously change your avatar or ima neg the hell out of you next time I'm at a PC. Gross.

  14. Your new avatar almost makes up for your slackness in thread making... almost... :P

  15. Ideas? You need ideas? Jennie Garth Kate Winslet Nicki Minaj Ke$ha Hilary Swank I could go on... or you could start your hot top 10... :D

  16. This is two days in a row with no hot or not thread Z... wtf man!!! :cryin:

  17. Inspiration for your workout regime... :Denvygirls2%2005-10.jpgHot-Gym-Girls-110.jpg

  18. I love dogs, I do... this one is just SOOOO dumb. He's huge and slobbers everywhere and breaks stuff. Tore the screens off our back windows, digs holes, steps on Nick, busted two holes in the wall inside, he's hairy and loud and just PISSES ME OFF. :mad5:

  19. I would love one but we don't need another animal. As much as I love dachsunds I want to get another chihuahua... but not until she gets rid of the large stupid dog.

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