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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Gee, ya think? Peace out.

  2. Yeah... that's it. I just don't want to get slapped and have to hear it forever... next time I'll just tell her I have to get a pic for you... I'm sure she'll understand.

  3. Me and J been talking about it some, but I haven't talked to him about it lately... it's still in the works as far as I know.

  4. Me likey the yellow dress avy! :thumbsup:

  5. Final voting is open, vote for me!

  6. :lol: Yeah, I don't check my profile much at home either...
  7. I heard that there was some sh*tty hotel near there we could stay in.

  8. ??? I can see it... it's just her top half if that's what you're wondering...

  9. Oh noes... you got Kurb slapped... happens to the best of us. :lol:

  10. Your posting quantity has increased exponentially lately... off from work? :D

  11. Dude, excellent job in the LL's... :thumbsup:

  12. Short mexican hookers huh? Sounds perfect for us. Dude, I live like 6 hours from you... define "far away".

  13. Final voting is open, vote for me!

  14. Your new avatar is in-f*cking-credible. :thumbsup:

  15. Final voting is open, vote for me! Don't listen to Salty... :D

  16. Ima be out for like almost two weeks... this'll have to last you... :D2m61w15.jpg

  17. Lemme ask J again... he's supposed to have some hook up for the tix anyway...

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