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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. What's up with all the agreeing with Rodeo in the Tinderbox? You can't be doing that... :P

  2. Know how I know you're gay? :D:P

  3. Where you been man? Missing your posts in lovely ladies.

  4. Lord Vader with zero posts??? You need to go kick some ass in the Tinderbox. Force choke a bitch or something.

  5. Thank you for changing your avatar. Tom Brady makes me puke. The new one is several orders of magnitude better.

  6. Hey, where'd you get that avatar pic? :D

  7. Great pics in that album!

  8. Wassup homey... just kickin' it on a Saturday. Hope you're well.

  9. Nope serious... if I do sarcasm, I make it clear. :D

  10. I like the name... very creative.

  11. Thanks man. I liked it too... I try and rotate them you know...

  12. That is one hell of a profile picture. :thumbsup:

  13. Very nice albums! You should be posting in Lovely Ladies.

  14. Just checked out your comedy clip on Youtube... pretty funny...

  15. Your Avatar is a winner! :D

  16. There... I added some more girlies to my album to continue to fuel your changeover. :)

  17. Being a lesbian is not a bad thing... if you're into hot girlies. :D I would be one if I was a girl.

  18. Gee, ya think? Peace out.

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