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Status Updates posted by Cat

  1. I'm so envious. I have the hardest time expressing what I'm thinking and reading that post i felt like you were reading my mind.

  2. i know but its like he is reading my mind. of course i don't believe in mind reading so lol

  3. lol yeah. i try to rep u all the time. its always too soon

  4. yes a sexay d-will

  5. that thread is funny! do me, do me!!

  6. love it! I'd like two please

  7. lol that reminds me of my childhood. :)

  8. Best avatar on the board

  9. WOW I'm glad I clicked on your name

  10. Cat

    You're the man!

  11. Cat

    good! it was my birthday this past week so lots of good times. just thought i'd say hey! sounds like work is going good

  12. Cat

    hey buddy!

  13. Cat

    i didn't think you would but i know you have the power and it was right after you messaged me. it was somewhere in the 4000s

  14. Cat

    no clue. its just all i could think of. it was right after he messaged me

  15. Cat

    did you delete my rep?

  16. Cat

    oh well I did just get a message from Zod maybe he with all his power deleted it all

  17. Cat

    Hey, I have like no rep all of a sudden. do u know what happened?

  18. Cat

    your profile pic tells me you're doing great :)

  19. Cat

    Thanks, you too.

  20. thanks for the advice. i will take it to heart. seriously thanks for sharing that.

  21. Cat

    Cat Today 03:28 PM - permalink Cat Thanks It was tough and i have to admit if i didn't have a 2 year old we may not be together but It made me grow up a LOT and see life in such a different way....a healthier way (i hope). anyways whatever happens happens. He is 2 1/2 and pretty much the best person ever!

  22. Thanks :) It was tough and i have to admit if i didn't have a 2 year old we may not be together but It made me grow up a LOT and see life in such a different way....a healthier way (i hope). anyways whatever happens happens. He is 2 1/2 and pretty much the best person ever! :)

  23. Cat

    my bad, i didn't realize i posted my message on my profile. what can i say...i'm a newb :) Hopefully the pool wont be a big pain in the ass. The little one is good, growing like crazy, gettin into everything! Work is slow. Hubby and i are doing better. we were having some serious issues for a while but we are moving on. loving life trying to have more fun.

  24. Things have been good. Kinda crazy the last year. The house is coming around, lots of work being done to it. We are ripping up the back yard right now and still working on the pool. how's work, kid, life?

  25. Cat

    Hey you! Its me Catherine. i thought i would sign up on the huddle again. its my first time being here in forever!!!!!

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