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Everything posted by Verge

  1. I'm just wish it would have happened a few years ago, would have made browsing the website easier
  2. I'm just a girl with a football problem.
  3. If they don't trade him he can just retire and run Jeopardy. They are likely very motivated to trade if this isn't about egos (which knowing men and the NFL it probably is)
  4. If he does, it will be to the AFC, that's for damn sure.
  5. I am told that virtually everyone is scrambling, I can't even imagine. I can't even get back more than a two sentence message haha
  6. Very insightful news from my source. I messaged him asking about the SF/Rodgers stuff "No one has any idea. Good luck." I guess front offices are freaking out about today.
  7. SF is Rodgers favorite team. History in motion maybe?
  8. That adds up. Like I said, I haven't asked about this but I will try and get on top of it.
  9. poo I might have been. This is huge.
  10. I have not asked anyone about this or confirmed anything (I certainly will) but I think it would be asinine to assume we will not make an offer and push ultra hard for him.
  11. Facts. I have said this before. Thanks CRA.
  12. Kaboom. I guess we know where it stems from now.
  13. No I didn't ask him about this. He is not a "Panthers source" either, I thought I made that pretty clear lol
  14. Did they call? Yes Did they make a specific offer? No
  15. They called and asked if Rodgers was available and GB said "lol"
  16. The good news is my guy has never moved off Mac at #3. He isn't usually wrong about the top of the draft.
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