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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Rhule needs to be shown the door along with all of his HS and College buddies ASAP. Clean and disinfect the house.....
  2. I was using "lateral" in the same terms the NFL and NFL teams do. Trust me, I agree Bienimey accepting the Panthers OC position would be a downgrade for him.
  3. I am thinking Pederson or Bieniemy aren't going to be looking for an OC role. Maybe Pederson, but Bieniemy isn't going to leave the Chiefs for a lateral move.
  4. Brady is a sacrifice to allow Rhule one more chance at keeping his job. Can't say Rhule or Fitterer helped Brady's cause with this POS offensive line, but at the end of the day someone with more experience could have probably done more with our offense as a whole than Joe Brady did. Brady is all about the passing game and we didn't have the offensive line to employ a large playbook of passing plays. On the flipside it didn't seem Brady had much of a playbook with multiple sets/looks/etc. I think he also lost the guys as it has been shown many times our receivers did not "sell" their routes and take coverage with them, although it probably was a lot of the defenses we played knowing we didn't go deep much if at all. Rhule is on borrowed time...
  5. Well let's see what Nixon can do with an XFL offensive line. That being said hopefully he doesn't bunch up our wide receivers and tight ends in the same area of the field and call the same plays each week. I would say it would be nice to see us coming out of multiple formations, but this late and with this line I don't know if that's really feasible.
  6. Good, call it when we are up 5-2 morons..... This team has to beat the other team and the refs to win games and RBA needs to make sure the boys know it if they don't already!
  7. Seeing Skinner jump in when Tro was called for that (maybe a 2 min minor) penalty made me wonder why he wasn't hit with instigating like we have been in a similar situation. It also made me realize other teams still think the Canes are soft....Skinner never did that when he played here. He also never played defense and continues to excel at not playing defense. Glad the boys got a good win through all the adversity with sickness and injury. A solid Canadian trip would be welcome.
  8. Yeah that 1000/1000 season really helped him get that fat contract. Probably ran him into the ground by doing it, but it probably would have made him a lot of $$$$$ either here or with another team. Panthers probably didn't want him to hit the open market and that's why they paid him albeit way before they needed too....I am in total agreement with everyone there.
  9. In that 4th year does he continue to increase his value or does he fall apart? Panthers made the decision he was going to cost more if they didn't extend him...they rolled the dice and lost at least these past two years. Can he come back and be the player he was those first 3 years? Possibly....but being comfortable with that money can cause players to avoid playing hard, taking hits/chances, and really being 100% dedicated when it is game time.
  10. CMC had no issues before he signed that extension, he was seen as one of the premier RBs and offensive players in the league, but since that extension he had become fragile and easily injured. I don't know if it is bad luck, but it has really hurt the Panthers over the last couple of years.
  11. I just want the refs to call it down the middle, and just like with the Panthers it just seems the Canes do not get the calls like some other teams do. I don't know if it's because we are a "small" market team or the refs truly don't like us, but I've seen plenty this year where other teams get away with "judgement" penalties and we don't....especially in critical situations. Just have to persevere and hope RBA and Waddell are talking to NHL officials and maybe that will make some kind of difference. If it continues I wouldn't be surprised if RBA drops a couple of bombs during a press conference and ponies up the fine.
  12. We do have some depth though so I'm hopeful we can weather this storm. Even with vaccinations Covid is really mucking up NHL teams and schedules.
  13. Usually it is better to break/fracture your ankle than sprain it, especially 3rd degree high ankle sprains. I mean he didn't dislocate it or anything.
  14. Anyone got video or a gif of exactly when he sprained his ankle? I saw it on replay and it didn't look terrible, but I wouldn't mind another look. CMC really having some issues staying healthy, was so good his first few years and now he becomes glass. It seems you get that $$$ things change......even Moton isn't playing as well now that he got that extension, Robbie too.
  15. I think Pederson would be a really good hire. He's been there before, has plenty of knowledge about who he could bring in as NFL coaches and I think with a good DC hire he could turn this wreck around with Fitterer and Morgan. He's an offensive guy so he'll make fixing that O-line priority #1.
  16. Because we traded Dan Arnold who was all about DBO.....when he left everyone forgot. /s
  17. I am not sure he has shown he is deserving of another year. He may well prove that he is, but I have some concerns on a couple of throws he made yesterday - especially on passes outside the hashes/out routes. Looks like his velocity has dropped on those throws especially 15 yards or more and he is "looping" the ball more. I'm not an expert or anything, but I have concerns about his arm still and they can limit what you do offensively.
  18. We are running slants and RPOs because our offensive line offers no protection to our QBs (no matter who they are) and also fails to open up any significant running lanes for our RBs. We cannot even attempt plays that take longer than 5 seconds to develop because within 3 seconds our QB is either swarmed or sacked. We don't have protection for a QB to even go through route progressions...we truly have no other offensive strategy and that's why we are so predictable.
  19. This - couldn't have said it better. I think Rhule didn't want any of the QBs in the draft not named Lawrence and pushed hard for Darnold and with nothing else to fall back on Fitts had to go out and do what he did. The other deals he has made have looked pretty good. I know the running joke is we only trade or go after DBs, but I still think Henderson will work out and Gilmore could be really important if we can get him to stick around.
  20. Nothing to double down on at all - I think our defense could be fine with another solid interior defensive lineman if Brown is truly going to be an average to above average lineman (he's shown glimpses of being able to and does get doubled quite a bit) and some REAL coaches who can get the most out of these guys with adjustments game to game and in game. Snow's D worked fine for the first 3-5 weeks of the season and now teams have seen what we are doing and picking us apart. I think part of it is the team has checked out on the coaches. Offensive side is a complete fluster cuck. We have maybe one real NFL o-lineman who isn't playing as well as he has in the past. CMC is glass the last two years, our receivers aren't playing hard and can't catch all of a sudden and we don't have the answer to our QB issue as well. We have what I thought were some good skill guys but I don't know what has happened to them....have they given up, don't respect the coaching? Can't change that o-line now, heads should roll.......
  21. Our D-line is "small" at DE for the most part, our interior D-linemen aren't able to hold their ground against the run and Burns and Reddick are pure pass rushers only at this point. I also think YGM is somewhat undersized as well. We are being gashed on off tackle runs - we don't have the beef up front to stop it or the will to either. Teams start running on us then we put more men in the box and start going man to man coverage and then Donte gets exposed all game long. We put more men in the box and then drop to zone coverage and allow underneath throws against our corners... Teams have the plan now on how to beat our defense and nullify our blitz: run off tackle, delayed runs to areas where Reddick and Burns have vacated, screens. Also need to add the fact that we really didn't get to Tua all that much with the blitzes we did bring. I don't know if Brown is a bust or we just need another big man who can help inside, but this has to be addressed as well. Also, DJax can't be paid like an elite level CB....he started off the season well but he's been exposed the last 2-3 weeks.
  22. I still think Brady has a good offensive mind and is limited by that atrocious O-Line. I mean I hate seeing these crappy underneath throws, dinking and dunking, but we don't have the line to be able to do a PA fake and have long developing plays. We just don't and I think what we see out of Brady and his play calling is that he knows he can't really open up the offense. Because he knows this the WRs do too and they are playing lethargic. No energy, concentration, no fire for the game. As much as we are trashing the coaches, Brady didn't draft all defense and leave the O-line to be signed from the bargain bin...that's on Rhule and Fitts. They fugged this team hard by not trying to shore up the O-line.
  23. There is not one single game where I can say he out coached the opposing team's HC, not a single one and that is as damning as it gets. Good post.
  24. Would Oklahoma or LSU even hire Rhule? Maybe LSU will hire the Baylor coach and Rhule can go back to Waco.
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