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About trucpfan

  • Birthday 05/01/1981

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  1. We can't afford to utilize draft capital especially a first rounder. There's a good chance we'll be in the top 5 probably top 3 thinking about it. But we'd also have a extremely strong WR group Johnson, Ayuik, AT, and XL should be something any average QB could go get busy with. But I also don't think we could pay Ayuik and Johnson and both need to paid by next year. But we'll be having a A rookie QB deal for 3 more years or we'll draft another one and be on a rookie QB deal for 5 more years after this year so we'll have capital to make things happen.
  2. Imagine if the secondary stays healthy and the new players are actually better at pass rushing we might be in for a nice surprise.
  3. Are they really issues though? I mean one’s recovering according to normal schedule maybe he’s no Adrian Peterson lol and the other is taking it easy because of a tweaking a minor hamstring it seems we’re stressing the concepts and teaching more then anything. Let the young guns watch how things are done in the league work them in slowly ensuring good mental understandings of what we’re doing because we know the athleticism and talents are there.
  4. I'm really intrigued with our potential not getting to excited but really just thinking if DJ can become our AT from last year, our go-to WR number one option he's a play maker to the max. Our second option being split between JT/(or any other TE that steps up) and AT, third option being XL gives me a slight optimism that we'll be able to move the ball this year somewhat efficiently with a strong running game. Expect DJ to be targeted early and often making big play after big play I'm hoping for 130 yds 8 rec type of Sundays. Plus a couple 40-50 yrd options I could see Bryce hitting 250+ alot easier then last year's struggle when he barely hit 200 on the regular. We could be in for some decent production maybe upto nfl standards. Anybody think similar?
  5. Hate to say it everybody in all stats were invisible last year outside of AT.
  6. Yea that's how I feel it's about Bryce and Bryce only did we trade up for a good player or not simple as that.
  7. I can see XL contributing this year in some fashion TDs big plays here and there, Brooks later in the year, and Sanders probably from day one. Running up the seams/hashes or quick routes while still being right in his line of sight should help Bryce the most out of these three this season like Jimmy Graham to Drew Brees. But if Wallace has an impact this season I'd be ecstatic I mean that'd be a very strong contributing class I'd go crazy over that being that most wanted a center or a good DB when we went LB if he can contribute we'd be in track for this rebuild.
  8. I agree with that I was only thinking before he gets it all together his go-to play at this point of his early career should be (I hope) winning jump ball situations consistently until he develops a more diverse skillset or puts it all together and really gets busy.
  9. I definitely don't think you need good ball placement and good accuracy not saying his doesn't need to dramatically improve but I thought the reason you pick a XL is because he has a very broad catch radius. I'm thinking 25 yards down the field one on one coverage throw it up and expect XL to come down with it, a little arch and touch to give him a chance to out jump the DB should do the trick not as much as ball placement imo as of right now. Maybe when throwing to DJ with tight coverage slants come back routes and things of that nature requires the accuracy and ball placement but what I'm thinking of takes away from having to be as accurate get it to him jump ball situations gives him a chance to Moss the defender consistently.
  10. Throw the ball in his area consistently, 50/50 jump balls should be our early go to move with him. Bryce should be way more willing to just let it fly if him and the defender are even put some arch on it and let it rip is what I'm hoping for.
  11. Can anyone verify this photos authenticity no way Bryce came back looking like a professional football player. Footwork and fundamentals are still the focus but I like this added muscle it was needed. I commend my QB for trying.
  12. How did he perform so well in college with these crazy wild mechanics. He's so far off I'm confused how he dominated at Bama. It shows the gap of talented players between college to the pros and it's not to be underestimated.
  13. Man it's crazy how good players perform in contract years, I'm excited to see him put it all together and Stay Healthy for at least 15-16 games this year hopefully he should be a top 7 CB.
  14. Lmao yea I remember I'm at years training camp and otas Bryce was hitting deep passes to Chark everyday and completed I think one maybe two deep passes to Chark all dammm season. I'm definitely waiting to see it versus competition other than our defense.
  15. I understand that logic but no way in hell we get minimal from a first round WR. They contribute in a big way these days he was targeted for a reason. I agree DJ should get busy being the clear number one but you don't trade up for the best jump ball catcher Moss type with how he catches passes and expect minimal. Not Jamar Chase but a big year 8 plus TD and over 6-700 yards total rec/rush. Sorry I'm not setting the bar at the minimum just because we've been azz I'm holding us to a normal standard. Edit: Man no way a udfa out performs our first rounder it's possible but shouldn't be the case we need to strategically put him in position to excel with our young creative offensive head coach like Mike McDaniel per say.
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