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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. Jsut got done reading, so you are Matt Moore! I thought you were John Fox's nephew. Can you be both, :lol: Looks like I missed a good time.

  2. :lol: I will look it up. I miss out on all the fun because I hardly get a chance to log on after work and weekends. Too many things to do around the house and after the kiddies are asleep, it's me and Mama time. Maybe if I get her to create a user acount....:D
  3. Funny about the hair. MamaSan is a blonde but she had dyed it dark a couple of years ago. I like her blonde so she is back to natural. You seem to be getting pretty good at the screen caps.

  4. Geez, it was a joke and you go calling me a ***. Well, I guess I'll have to return the favor of the neg rep....You know what they say about guys who can't joke about that stuff...:D

  5. Is that legal? If so, it's my next avvie

  6. :D I am about to change it. She is definitely one of my favs next to Brenda Acevedo.
  7. Face Book. It's where all the cool kids hang out, :lol: I like JLP, she is hot and has some nice bewbies.

  8. Hey Buddy, FYI I stole that pic of the dude tied to a wooden fenc with the stupid look to use for my FB picture..

  9. Yeah, it seems he has a bit of a chip for now. Usually he seemed ok but maybe it has to do with Cam/No Cam/whogivesafugcuzwedon'tmakethedecisionsanyhoo stuff.

  10. What's up with that matt moore feller?

  11. :lol: I guess 20 hours isn't too bad, if you have the time. When I was in the Electrical Crews, we had a few wild ones. We also had a direct flight from here to Vegas 3 times a week. Somebody would be pissed at their wife on payday and let the fun begin. Couldn't tell you how many company cell phones were left in random strip clubs, hotels and taxi cabs.
  12. Yeah, it's about 4.5 hours from my house.

  13. Hey Hawk. Vegas was, well Vegas, :lol: I am copying my msg to biscuit cuz I am feeling lazy.... Way cool. I won some money, not a whole lot but enough to finance the whole trip. Got really drunk, spanked by a German Wench, stole some towels, you know, the usual stuff, lol. It was a good time. We pretty much stayed off the strip and gambled at the Hard Rock and spent some time at the state line.

  14. We go to the beach about 4 to 5 times a year or more if we go visit friends. I grew up in Ventura and my first house I bought was on the beach. Sure wish I kept it. Ventura has a South facing beach so the waves are pretty good there. We are about 1.5 hours from the coast so it can be a day trip on a whim. The water is cold but I only wore a summer suit in winter time when I surfed.

  15. Yeah it is fun. Vegas is about 4.5 hours from my house. I'm not a big gambler but this trip I started with $40 and won about $480.00 total. When my 2nd daughter ws in cheer and winterguard, the regionals are always held in Vegas so we would be there twice a year and then my softball tournaments added another 2 to 3 visits /year. Funny thing, on the way there, my buddy got on the wrong freeway. He got on the one we take to visit friends in Havasu City, AZ (I-40) and I noticed a sign that said the freeway ends in Wilmington, NC from Barstow CA. Too funny. I immediately thought to myself, "hey I can go pick up biscuit and we can go help ourselves to some of KK's homebrew."

  16. Way cool. I won some money, not a whole lot but enough to finance the whole trip. Got really drunk, spanked by a German Wench, stole some towels, you know, the usual stuff, lol. It was a good time. We pretty much stayed off the strip and gambled at the Hard Rock and spent some time at the state line.

  17. I got a thread started in the Panthers forum called "Charlotte Cobras game and MCCNASTY2 ". I almost forgot, MamaSan was wondering how tha player that got hurt is doing?

  18. :lol: I was. My youngest daughter insisted on wearing hers, tho. We wore Cobra blue and I had a bunch of their logos printed and we were gonna use that iron on printer paper to apply them but forgot. Then I was just gonna staple them on the shirts but Mama thought it would be tacky. Me? Tacky? Don't answer that :D
  19. LOL. Shouldn't you be crashing a plant somewhere? If you make it back, we leave at 10.

  20. Dude. If you aren't doing anything important this weekend a Huddler is playing Football in Los Angeles. Check out my thread "Very Important Announcement Regarding One of Our Own" in the Panther Forum. It would be great to see ya there!

  21. Ok, I got the address. Salesian HS. While you are in LA, a cool place to go is by the Train Station downtown. I reccommend going to Phillipes (the home of French Dip), Olvera Street (where the first pueblo was built plus a really cool place to shop for ethnic stuff) and China Town. All those places are really close to each other and if you guys have hosts, they will now where they are. Plus there is always Hollywood and that freak show that is everyday, lol. We are definitely going to the game and I wish I knew earlier so I could have bought a CC hat to wear.

  22. Way Cool! Are you playing in LA? the SC team is coming or already came to bako I want details! We will make it unless it's too early, fug it! Where and when?

  23. :lol: Whew, Ok, I was beginning to wonder if your profile got hijacked....
  24. Yes, exactly. when they show the scientific name, that was always funny. Thanks again!

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