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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. Be careful with all the drinking and have a great time, :lol:

  2. Ok, which one of you goofballs is this? Trying to give Jangler a heart attack? Pm me...

  3. Hey Buddy, what site did you use to make your sig gif?

  4. She has a face? :D

  5. Holy crap Biscuit. I luuuuuuuuuv the new avvie. Almost borders on some nipplage. Who is it? How is the healing?

  6. Cool. GLad to see ya back. Congrats on the marriage.

  7. Dammit. I wanted to make a gif from a youtube video but gifsoup has all these rules and crap. Any ideas who I can bother about this? How is everything? Family well?

  8. Hey there. As far as I can tell, pie went away after some modifications to the hamsters. I lost my original name and had to drop the "-". I made another name, Pantha-San II and it wouldn't work. I think the new hamsters don't like anything with a P in it..

  9. Hey buddy. Can you make gifs? I have an idea for a new sig but for some reason, gifsoup hates me.

  10. Yeah a necessary evil. I remember those days. "tell me when it hurts so i can stretch your arm past that until you cry and pee your pants". At leaast my PT nurses were kinda hot so while they were tearing me up, I was tearing them up, in my mind....

  11. :lol: I was referring to the crotch. Nothing visible but pretty much nothing for the imagination either. I'm surprised you didn't dig up some younger years pics.
  12. Hey Ace. I know you are semi-retired from this but when you get a chance, do you think you would be ale to re-tool a sig for me? Thanx...

  13. Ok, picture dealt with... WHat happened to your good buddy LBF?

  14. Oh crap! Where? Should I go get mah gunz?

  15. It's on YT under "Liar, Liar - The Castaways (1965)" (one of my all time favorite songs) but the video is from Gilligan's island where the girls are dancing as the Honey Bees. The part I wanted to use is from 0:18 to 0:33. The link is

    . Thanks a ton if you can do it. Even if you cannot, thanks!
  16. That's cool, buddy. Just wondering.

  17. Actually that's the Cali Cat Pack, Bakersfield Chapter. Before we grew to the mob we are now, I think there are 14 of us total. Great friends and very loyal fans. The one on the far right is an International artist. He and I started the Cat Pack in 2005. I just re-ordered our stickers and if you PM me an addy, I will send you one. I am sending biscuit's tomorrow. Let me know, Blue or White?

  18. Been listening to them since "Smash." I used to work for the City where I lived and one time my boss got a complaint from a citizen that I was blasting "Bad Habit" in my City truck at an intersection :lol: I met Dexter in Havasu AZ about 5 years ago because one of my best friends hangs out with his mechanic there and we happened to be visiting at the same time. Really cool dude and we were doing karioake(sp?) and I put on Bad Habit and butchered the hell out of it on purpose. He laughed his ass off and when the bar owner found out who he was, we drank for free. Good times.

  19. So, you don't like the Indian rap? :D

  20. Thanks for the rep. Coming from you, I take it as a big compliment.:cheers2:

  21. Hey there. Yes, I grew up in VTA, graduated from VHS. Now I live in Bakersfield. Still go back there about twice a month. the poster Kevin Greene is still in VTA.

  22. NDN, like me, not like Salty....

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