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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. I think he’ll end up being decent. Why root for him to fail in his career? He’s not Taysom Hill
  2. Same here. Although, I really felt the first season was the best one, every scene was hilarious. Yeah, Cleg was an integral character for sure lol
  3. I'm glad the Broncos passed on Fields because fug them
  4. So you want somebody like Whitehead? All talk and no walk?
  5. Just clog the middle. Nothing worse than getting worked all game up the middle by some no-name RB. We’ve seen that too many times in Panther Land
  6. I agree with the South End recommendations. It’s really blown up in the last few years. Also, hotties everywhere, but Charlotte never had a shortage of that anyways
  7. Yeah, I don’t watch bullshit like this anymore. Especially Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless
  8. If it actually goes down like this, lol at anyone that still defends Rhule and Tepper
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