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  1. Tepper will not trade back. He will go for the next big QB coming out of college to stop the bleeding.
  2. Dude..if we got ride of our coach this year or even next, we will be the laughing stock of the NFL. I mean nobody would want to play for us.
  3. Loving the play calling and what the coach is doing. Keep going and within time we will build a great young core and start competing for the playoffs!
  4. Looked like an under thrown ball to me. Both playing for it.
  5. Horn did not prevent him for catching that ball. It was under thrown. Crap zebras
  6. So owner fired coach after meeting with Rodger’s? And I thought Tepper was bad.
  7. what our top 3 pick is gonna do when he sees we are drafting him.
  8. Dude our defense just sucks. Hard to get a good offensive gameplan when you are already down a lot of points and you are forced to just throw the ball. And other team knows it.
  9. How was that not PI? are you allowed to bump into a WR before ball gets there?
  10. Our defense is seriously horrible. We will probably not win another game this year solely because of that unit.
  11. Bears fans going to have a rude awaking when Williams gets owned by a good defense.
  12. Our defense couldn’t beat a top ranked college team.
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