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Status Updates posted by AKPantherFan

  1. i dont know man, I guess when you piss folks off your doing something right... Unless your just an idiot... :D I think its because I tend to "swim against the current" and not just ride the wave..... Life to short to not believe in something, and I stick by my beliefs. And I am just hard headed lol lol :)

  2. Got divorced over a year ago. Ex just got all depressed And didnt do much, grew apart and moved on.

  3. Im gonna miss ya buddy-- you were my best Huddle friend. I will miss the phone calls, and the tailgates... R. I. P.

  4. hell-- i agree with them mostly, but you have to draw a line at some point to reserve to future of those who are not sound in mind to make the right decisions....

  5. i dont think smoking their weed is wrong- but there has to be a mutual understanding of what they do cannot set the line of whats acceptable to the children. Its not "do as I say, not as I do", and hope for the best, you have to just set the best example.... Thats all....

  6. hell- i dont know-- i shoot from the hip and forget poo... unlike everyone else on this site who takes this poo serious..

  7. right outside of anchorage.

  8. i know what you mean. I like the fact that football is over by 8pm. plus its nice to wake up and start watching football!!!! how long you been on the huddle? how you liking ak weather? good snowmachining down where you live right???

  9. Hope all is well buddy!!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  10. Yep pretty awesome, been snowing a ton in NOV, but now slowing down. Love it up here!

  11. merry christmas :D

  12. Happy New Year man!!!!!

  13. Merry Christmas to you too!

  14. i am not sure- but if you check the site on google you can see -- they will post it.

  15. happy New Year as well man!!!!

  16. merry christmas -- ho ho ho man!

  17. whats up man!!! cold as hell -15 the last few days :)

  18. It was great meeting you too!!! The wife says high! She said it was great to meet you!

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