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  1. https://x.com/JFowlerESPN/status/1749953807537094801?s=20 DK Metcalf really likes Lal
  2. https://x.com/wojespn/status/1695470084695748716?s=46&t=i3I2SJBszoDz77wsvRWM0A
  3. I ran it last year and everyone got paid. Hadn't seen much talk about it this year and my role at work changed to the point I couldn't run another league this year. I can fill a spot in a new league if someone is needed, but sadly can't start it/run it.
  4. Making the rounds on Twitter, not seen any official confirmation, so either really bad accident, or really poor taste in promotion. Title will be updated when confirmed either way.
  5. Props to all of you. We got it filled and all 12 were present for the draft.
  6. Also original league info post had payouts as: 1st - 225 2nd - 50 3rd - 25 Is that ok, or do we want to add more to 2nd, etc?
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