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About PantherFanInPhilly

  • Birthday 11/13/1978


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I don't see it happening but my oh my how much would I love seeing the shocked and pissed off faces on the Eagle fans.
  2. Trying to talk myself into going to the game this Sunday even though I had already written it off in the beginning of the season because we sucked so bad. Unfortunately tickets are way more than I want to pay to watch my team while being surrounded by mouth-breather Eagles fans.
  3. Seems like this damn team has sucked in the red zone since Cam was balling.
  4. Man. A 33 yd qb run is not what I was hoping for.
  5. LOL chiefs bout to show out for their home crowd. Gonna be a brutal one.
  6. It is beautiful. The throwback end zone workmarks are going to look great with it.
  7. I'm all for him boosting his trade value...throw another tuddy, little buddy!
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