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About PantherFanInPhilly

  • Birthday 11/13/1978


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Can't wait to see the knee-trembling opposing defense watch that monster walk onto the field this season.
  2. I expect to be praying for a new QB come 2025....the same way I have been since I saw Young's first few games in the NFL.
  3. Literally never cooked a brisket in my life. Would love to try some real deal down in Texas though.
  4. lol this is going to be another shitshow of a season isn't it?
  5. Man, some of yall are really sensitive to what a stranger posts on a public free message board.
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA holy poo. Someone locate that man and lock him up. He can't be safe to be on the streets.
  7. What's the "ted lasso coaching model"? I see it referenced a lot on but I never saw the show..isn't it a comedy about a soccer coach? Just curious what the reference is about.
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