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Everything posted by Darkseid89

  1. That was unbelievable. Shoulda been a goal. That fuging setup was beautiful.
  2. That was a big chance. Fast has looked good. Great hit on McDonough
  3. Hopefully we can stay outta the box and get something going.
  4. How were the first 10 minutes? From what I have seen, we look decent.
  5. Anderson has made some great saves. We need one soon.
  6. We need to come out fast and physical. It was a much better period defensively and Anderson seems to have settled down.
  7. That wasn’t a major in my opinion but I’ll take it.
  8. That’s a start. Keep up the pressure. If we were playing with this same intensity in the 1st. Different game.
  9. Raanta has looked good early. We need to put some shots on knight.
  10. We better get some offense going. Play with speed and physicality.
  11. Yep. He has looked sluggish. Looks like we might see Raanta.
  12. Agreed, compared to the other penalties it was the only one to me that made sense.
  13. Looked super soft. Deangelo legit hooked but the others were questionable.
  14. RBA better start switching up some lines to create something. Raanta may need to come in, but RBA never likes a goalie change.
  15. We need to get settled. Florida looks fast. We will have to be physical to win this one.
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