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Everything posted by 1of10Charnatives

  1. Brett Kollmann undermining his own criticism by misspelling Miami Herald. Makes me less inclined to take him seriously. Can't anebody spel anething anemore?
  2. It would concern me too if this wasn't a privately owned forum, where freedom of speech doesn't apply. But it is. So it doesn't.
  3. Michael Lewis, who wrote the book it's based on, is one of my favorite writers. He also wrote The Blind Side and The Big Short, both excellent films and books. I really enjoyed Moneyball despite not being a baseball fan. I do like baseball movies because they tend to boil baseball down to the bits where something interesting happens. That someone could make a good movie about baseball statistics is mind boggling. Adam McCay is a genius.
  4. A big mote? https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1MSIM_enUS807US807&sxsrf=ALeKk02AwD8O443onKo_6MkQE0EtoPuosQ%3A1593604084239&ei=9Hf8XqeSDu-1ggfdrL2IDw&q=Mote&oq=Mote&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIICAAQsQMQkQIyBQgAELEDMgUIABCxAzICCAAyBQgAELEDMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgUIABCxAzICCAA6BAgAEEc6BAgjECc6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6BQgAEJECUPAVWIczYJ00aABwAXgAgAFeiAH5A5IBATeYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwin3Onq_avqAhXvmuAKHV1WD_EQ4dUDCAw&uact=5
  5. Because unlike many here, I do not know everything.
  6. Best guess is like the media typically does, they are reporting it not because the risk is high, but because lots of people will read it with the current situation. Having the potential to become a pandemic does not mean likely to become a pandemic would be my guess, giving the media's track record.
  7. https://kids.niehs.nih.gov/games/songs/childrens/hokey-pokey/index.htm put your left foot in. Take your left foot out. Put your left foot in And shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey And you turn yourself around And if you can't figure out for yourself what it’s all about then I can’t help you.
  8. *nods knowingly* Do they have a post office in your world? local government? Or is everything just run by the voices in your head?
  9. Here, that thing is tilting on you. Lemme just... *reaches over and straightens his tinfoil hat.* Much better. Wouldn’t want any of those CIA mind control rays to get through, would we?
  10. Not everyone. It's just that those that aren't aren't saying much. Warren Buffet is fond of saying in every market there is a fool in the market. If you don't know who the fool in the market is, it's you. I think there's gonna be a lot of fools in the real estate market in the not too distant future.
  11. I don't know but willing to hazard a guess: Perhaps lower mortality per infection was a benefit of all the efforts to flatten the curve. Medical systems are no longer overwhelmed like they were by the initial wave of infection and have had time to adapt and prepare for the caseload. The article I just posted about Patrick Peterson's wife has quotes from her discussing how treatment is a rapidly changing and evolving thing. I think it's probably safe to assume that the medical community as it learns about the virus is getting better at treating it and so we are losing fewer of those who contract it. I'm a layman but if I had to guess I'd guess that a big part of it is the medical practices are becoming more effective.
  12. With everyone starved for sports and sports news these days, a lot of you have probably already seen this on ESPN, but for those who haven't, figured it was well worth sharing. Patrick Peterson's wife is a doctor working on the front lines in Phoenix against the virus. Can't help but admire someone who could easily sit back with the wealth that comes from being married to an all pro performer and let others deal with the stress and risks, but Mrs. Peterson is using her talents as a doctor to help fight the pandemic. Kudos to her and all medical professionals working hard in unprecedented circumstances to fight the disease. https://www.espn.com/blog/arizona-cardinals/post/_/id/33211/antonique-peterson-wife-of-cardinals-star-cb-on-front-line-of-covid-19-response
  13. I think the randomness of the magic 8 ball would be less of a Charlie Foxtrot than his presidency so far, so I’m gonna go with it’s actually him.
  14. Don’t disagree at all. Just wanted to be small minded and mean spirited for a minute, sort of like the folks attending the rallies. But yes, it will put innocents in danger, and that sucks.
  15. When I see things like this, my immediate reaction is “ah, natural selection at work.“
  16. Intriguing observation sir. And now that you mention it, yes, I do see that tendency.
  17. The absurdity of that line of thinking is very humorously summed up by the character of Dunbar in the novel Catch 22, who's entire goal is to live as long as possible, but who lives by the principle that times goes faster when you're having fun, and slower when you're bored, and therefore adopts the strategy of seeking boredom and avoiding being entertained.
  18. You can't weigh the value of a person's life, so loss of life can't be measured against economic loss, but putting deaths aside, I fully expect the economic damage to far outweigh the pure illness damage in terms of quantifiable costs. I would expect the government to likely mandate forbearance on mortgages and eliminate evictions during the crisis. If it goes beyond more than a few months of restrictions, you're right, that's gonna get really messy in all liklihood.
  19. So..do what I've done every day for years anyway? Got it.
  20. Totally unfair to all those people who don't care about their fellow Americans that live in Boston.
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