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About AceMan

  • Birthday 10/31/1986

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  1. Many Huddlers wanted Rashawn Slater in 2021 (including me), we'll get to see him in action up close
  2. Jesus! Now I'm wondering if God is trying to destroy this team completely!!
  3. I'm sure something is going to come out ^^^ For example, I wonder if they're willing to run this back.
  4. I'm actually worried that Canales will be judged on how "he's not able to fix Bryce" rather than his actual system
  5. Saints running Engage 8 every other defensive play
  6. Gotta get Nicole Tepper tipsy and convince her
  7. The Philly fans I know told me his vision was horrible and we would regret that signing.. Smh..
  8. Next XFL Championship team
  9. I consider James Anderson a better overall LB for the Panthers than Shaq Thompson ever was. Unfortunately, I actually will remember Shaq as an “ok” linebacker that started the wave of HORRIBLE drafts that ruined the Panthers. Him being on the team so long isn’t egregious like Ian Thomas or Brenton Bersin, but he should remembered as a player that was drafted to be elite (and replace Thomas Davis), yet only ended up as an average LB. Very likeable person though.
  10. Panthers should have immense shame for extending Ian Thomas’s NFL career for as long as we’re have
  11. Mike Mitchell that 1 season is what we wanted Charles Godfrey to be for 5 years with us... I'll throw in 1999 Steve Beuerlein since he's mentioned a lot for one year wonders
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