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Everything posted by TrevorLaurenceTime22

  1. That's not true at all the no calls they had for Baltimore were pretty bad.
  2. Jaccoby Brisset gets them now.... even to the point of the defender getting fined.
  3. Josh Allen doing that Cam Newton....
  4. All he needs now is to finish off his career with a pick 6 to go down in hillarious infamy.
  5. His first and last plays as a buccaneer were pick 6s.
  6. Hahhahaha hey it wasn't a TD... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jameis-winstons-first-career-pass-went-for-a-td-to-the-wrong-team/amp/
  7. Not as bad as Famous Jameises first play.
  8. The Ravens are allowed to tackle receivers before the ball gets there.
  9. who all is still on that Dorsey train?
  10. Who cares about MVP? I want a SB MVP.
  11. I'm not getting banned over him... But this is indeed a fact I didn't know... It might make for a good nickname for Matt Rhule.
  12. He also faced like two shots up until that point it can get you out of a groove.
  13. I think we all misunderstood your handle it's clear that you are boasting of getting a "D" in mathematics.
  14. Pretty sure he reported me for using the term "Homo Sapiens Sapien" blissfully unaware that is what you call Humans.
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