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Everything posted by Catsfan69

  1. My hate in order Alabama Ohio State Michigan Notre Dame Phuck all those pieces of schit.
  2. Duggan was a horned frog He was a good friend of mine Went down to the Fiesta And spit in Harbaugh's eye!!!!
  3. Darnold right now is absolutely better than Young. That's an idiotic statement.
  4. She cheated on him. She was seen within a few days at a resort with her trainer. She's probably been banging him for a year plus the pictures in bed with AB.
  5. Anyone who bets against Sam Darnold will be deeply disappointed.
  6. Did you see my post? He's not in the building. Not at meetings, practice or lifting sessions. He's cleaned out his locker. At any job in the world if you go home after a demotion and don't return to work that's quitting.
  7. If you go home and leave the building because you got benched that's quitting. He has left the team.
  8. You can always get a holding, pi, contact and get a shot at a fg
  9. To lose to Chad Cotas son is doubly painful
  10. They just don't teach tackling anymore
  11. Good kick but I don't trust the defense
  12. Should have ran multiple routes to get 7yds. Set up 3rd and 5. Nothing pisses me off more than bomb on 2nd and long late in the game.
  13. Stupid play call. You just need to move the sticks
  14. Come on Maye. This is where you put the team on your back
  15. Of course. Don't even make them use any clock. Noooo that would make too much sense
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