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Everything posted by frankw

  1. No idea what to expect. The bigger question is can Fitterer successfully navigate this process and prove the bad the last two years was all Matt Rhule. I hope so.
  2. Right and that's supposed to be his bread and butter as a coach. I definitely do not recall any screaming about firing him being unfair. Same can be said for when we fired Eric Washington. Emotion is the common thread now.
  3. Is that you Chuck? Confirmed Reich was the right hire if you hate it
  4. Sam Darnold had the 9th worst passer rating in NFL history under Wilks what are you smoking?
  5. I keep seeing talk about the locker room. The same locker room let an aging and mediocre Steelers team come into town and throw us into a ditch. Love for Wilks didn't make a difference. All that matters is winning.
  6. From who though? Probably two or three who legitimately don't like him personally or other. Rivera had cancer and still some people here despised him. Truthfully there were times some could have suggested bigotry toward him was a factor. But I don't recall ever seeing it. Regardless I wish Steve the best. But I think and hope we made the right choice in changing direction.
  7. On the flip side he also pounded the Hackett drum for a long time. Hopefully not the kiss of death here.
  8. Well alright let's see what happens. I feel a little more optimistic today than i did before. Now time to get a look at we do with the staff and the draft.
  9. They both could flop who knows. I'm not extremely thrilled with either but Reich brings a shift in philosophy. And for all the positives some offer on behalf of Wilks he had the job in front of him and absolutely nothing to lose yet he showed us he is conservative to a fault with the playoffs on the line. I like him personally but count me as a firm no on another round of a stubborn defensive minded head coach. Rivera will be available next year if that's all your after.
  10. Wait is Ickmule a Wilks stan? I thought he was steadfastly against mediocrity. Man these last several years really put a hurting on some folks mental state I guess.
  11. It's unreasonable to expect either man to take a lesser position. It's one or the other. Neither are a spring chicken so you aren't making a 10 year hire. If it's between the two roll the dice on a new vision for the offense for the next few years and cultivate a staff where you may have a young coordinator ready to possibly step into the role in the next several years or so.
  12. We've taken our time more sure but we went from saying it was going to be a small pool of candidates to bringing in just about anyone who would interview and now we are back to Wilks or a retread. And as far as I can tell no one has so much as given Wilks a call. Now people can speculate that has to do with his lawsuit and it's possible but I don't buy it. I can accept Reich as the head coach. Though he has cons like Wilks we can't overlook that. But again it is at least a new direction so I would wait and let things play out while hoping for the best.
  13. People don't want to hear it but you are on the money with this in regards to Tepper’s process. Though at least with Reich we will see emphasis on the offense.
  14. We haven't been in the playoffs in going on 6 years my guy. The bandwagon fans are long gone mostly.
  15. Not at all honestly. Ron Rivera got a ton of hate here this is nothing. Way more people support Wilks right now than they did Ron by the end.
  16. Obviously no one is disputing that. The issue is Tepper is clearly shook after the Rhule fiasco and looking at the safer options first and foremost and that's Wilks and Reich. One of them could fail just as easily as a first time head coach in someone like Steichen. If this is the path it's all a roll of the dice I just want us to put more focus on the offense I'll hope for the best either way.
  17. The Jaguars hiring Doug P seems to have worked out alright. If a retread is all we have to look forward to just hire Reich I guess.
  18. https://usbettingreport.com/news/how-have-interim-head-coaches-fared-in-the-nfl-in-the-past-10-years/ This is just one of the first results from my search but Doug Marrone and Mike Mularkey are the two most recent to make the jump from interim to permanent on a long term basis. Marrone went 24-43 and Mularkey went 36-53. That doesn't bode well for the pro Wilks folks to say the least.
  19. On the one hand credit where it is due that he decided to man up and acknowledge this. He still should have done this months ago and the fact that he waited until he got comfy in his new coaching job confirms what we already knew about him. Good riddance.
  20. Well if they preferred him so much they wouldn't have let the Steelers and Mitch Trubisky walk all over us at home in a game our media team hyped as a protect our turf big match-up. The team failed miserably. That tells me all I need to know about how much it matters that Wilks is popular.
  21. Players adored Marty Hurney too maybe let's bring him back in some capacity if Washington let's him go.
  22. Could do worse at least he isn't a defensive coordinator. Depending on his staff I could live with it. I'd feel better knowing we're changing directions at least.
  23. Someone sell me on Reich. On the one hand Indy's ownership is a dumpster fire at best Irsay is a clown of the highest order. On the other hand who was it that pushed for Wentz? And there were some abysmal offensive performances with Reich at the helm.
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