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Everything posted by CarolinaLivin

  1. Cmc up the middle: check okay now lets get ian thomas the ball
  2. Panther playbook: cmc up middle Robby wr screen shi smith slant ian thomas slant ian thomas screen
  3. Shi smith in dog pound cause of fumble so now we scheme ian thomas. gotta get your top guys involved
  4. What are we doing. Literally just run foreman up the middle. Thats two first downs more than likely
  5. Battle of the worst coaches who’s gonna have the worst 3rd/4th down conversion percentage?
  6. We actually don’t have bad backups. I’d say we’re currently using just about all of our running backs incorrectly. For CMC its more of a we aren’t being sexy or creative with him on play designs. For chuba they need to understand that he isn’t CMC and never will be him. He was never even used much in the passing game in college but they try to make him fill those big shoes here. Foreman is just a matter of getting him in the game and letting him be a the wrecking ball we have been missing. No reason why CMC should be in the game instead of foreman when we only need 1-3 yards for a first down. Bad usage all around in our RB room. Bad play designs and bad play calling.
  7. It may have worked in their favor (at least getting the fg try). But terrible timeout by cowboys IMO
  8. Should good players that played good play more? Tongue twister?
  9. Depends on coaches. So maybe, but not likely. We are seeing what I would hope is the floor with Baker. Hopefully ben starts incorporating other receivers and “opens it up” more or whatever rhule said he did for running one reverse play
  10. I’d like to know how many plays foreman was on the sidelines wondering why he signed here
  11. Every time the first down is within 3 yards why isn’t foreman running it. We finally get a power back to let him power watch from the sidelines.
  12. It has been put out by a lot of media guys (can we trust them? Maybe, maybe not) that rhule has to make the playoffs. Doesn’t seem like he’ll even be close as of right now. Tepper may want to be right, but he will be forced to let go following this season.
  13. I don’t wanna 100% call him a bust until a new coaching staff is here. But man it doesn’t look good.
  14. It would also be assuming Tepper would agree to allowing a coach/gm to rebuild. Doesn’t seem like it’ll happen when his whole reason for getting rhule was to escape mediocre play. If all the “tepper wants to win and win now” talk is true then i highly doubt it. Plus our roster isn’t in the current state of a seahawks or falcons team. We aren’t great but we don’t need to rebuild. Just need the right coach and culture in place IMO.
  15. Change was never gonna happen this early. It would be and end of season move IF it were to happen.
  16. Ask your doctor if fugrhuleasidus is right for you
  17. Funny to you maybe. Just pisses me off and I didn’t even have to watch to get mad. The caption was all i needed to read to get more fug rhule fuel.
  18. He will definitely use Rhule as an excuse for baker for sure. When in reality both just aren’t that great.
  19. Skip only defends baker (from what I’ve seen)
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