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  1. I've often wondered this (not this play) penalty will be accessed after the kickoff on the receiving team. If that kick gets returned for a TD does it go back to the 15? Pretty sure it's never happened but I've always wondered. Anyone?
  2. Tepper would be a one day fire on an assembly line! He looked like Curios George.
  3. Bryce reminds me of Vandy's QB. Built for college football. End of career.
  4. Well Greg Olsen just mentioned his sadness for how bad the Panthers are, on the Browns cast, so there's at least 1.
  5. Sad when our play of the game is Andy avoiding a safety.
  6. With our lack of urgency you'd think we were up 30-7
  7. I watched the Hurricanes do it last night. Our turn. Let's fugging go!!!! Nah! Jokes.
  8. Making Williams look like Michael Vick. The Panthers way!
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