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  1. No it's Bryce's favorite play but he is super excited to throw it out of bounds every other play.
  2. Not sure if you saw that Franchise Guy full Panther Breakdown but he called Wallace the worst player in D1 football but with great upside. Lol. Time to take the D. picks out of Everos hands. Udfa DJ Johnson in the 3rd followed by the worst player in D1 in the 3rd. Imagine if this guy was gifted good players. Just let him coach.
  3. Fun fact. 2004 Super Bowl Panthers vs Patriots. Fast forward 20 years, the only 2 teams that are underdogs in every single game, Panthers, Patriots. Things that make you go, wish I hadn't taken the good years for granted!
  4. Went to 2 games last year before the season for a pretty penny. I'll wait this year to see if the 8 dollar tickets present themselves again. Show it ya perennial door mats. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me 6 straight years, just shoot me! #Get Pounded
  5. Looks like a yawn to me. Par for the course.
  6. So the Huddle thinks he is either a youth pastor or Ted Bundy. I honestly love it! Let's just hope he can coach in his off time!
  7. Lawn boy he is trash! Dude wants to run the ball with the 25th ranked run offense. We can go back to Bryce talk now. Close!
  8. I thought Matt Rhules felt like a traveling preacher/sewing machine salesman. Then I thought Reich had the emotions of the captain of a baby seal clubbing team. I kind of like Canales and think he may be adaptable in today's NFL. I know we need to to see it but does he not give you guys hope too, or will he get his moniker too? (My bad, tired of looking at the same thread titles)
  9. Yeah they did some picking and choosing to come up with those grades. Most were like C-.
  10. Brooks would have been there at our next pick. Let's not laugh at the mirror
  11. Bro would have been there when they picked Rams Panthering.
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