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Sione Fua

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Everything posted by Sione Fua

  1. You made Sione Fua’s large stomach growl
  2. Haven’t read the comments yet, but I’d be willing to guess that the guy that always gets offended when ppl bring this up is in these comments pitching a fit & I’m here for it. In seriousness, what we’re doing with Sammy boy is really really odd. He’s being rested like he’s in his mid 60’s and we are resting him cause we go deep into the playoffs every season.
  3. “Bouye from Houston” He hasn’t played there in half a decade. Pretty odd mistake for someone knowledgeable of the team that talks about them daily.
  4. “Bouye from Houston” He hasn’t played there in half a decade. Pretty odd mistake for someone knowledgeable of the team that talks about them daily.
  5. That’s awesome for him. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s not very knowledgeable of either team.
  6. Agent 89 is carrying that boy in the broadcast booth. Dude don’t know a thing about either team.
  7. Cause nex-gen is superior, and that also holds true with their games. I have played madden 21 and madden 22 on my PS5 back to back to see which game feels/looks better. M22 is hands down better in every aspect. Sure, there are bugs. Most games tend to have bugs when they are first released.
  8. The Kap thing rubs me wrong every year because he was never an 81 overall to begin with.
  9. Worth it only if you have next gen console.
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