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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. Isn't over till its over, remember Matt Ryan thought he won the superbowl lol
  2. If I was Lawrence, I would pull myself I'm sick coach, I'm not going back out there
  3. Don't see anyone on that list I am crazy about, just like with our QB possibilities
  4. That has to be an NFL record, but since this fanbase thrives on meaningless victories, let's praise him for making normal kicks after Jon Kasay , one of our best and most reliable kickers in history,practically kicked us to the superbowl in 02, was crucified for kicking out of bounds in the final moments of the superbowl, like those 20 yards would have made a difference to Brady and Welker against a tired D, but let's forgive a choke artist who got a 2nd chance and still missed , and how many games did we miss the div title by, that's right, 1, Gano would have made 1 of those kicks, what loser misses 2 game winning kicks in 1 game and keeps there job In any organization with standards, Pinero would have been cut before he left the stadium
  5. Literally nothing has changed, so what he made some low pressure kicks, he is a liability when the game is on the line , and should have been cut after the Atlanta chokes
  6. That is a bad memory considering the utter failure that took place after that play
  7. What makes you think the reasons the raiders dont want him anymore will magically dissappear in Carolina, the same thing we should have asked before the Darnold and Mayfield trades The only cast off QB that ever turned out good for us was Jake, but that was lightning in a bottle Go with a Rookie , unknown is better than a proven failure
  8. Honestly don't care about him anymore , our running game got 100 times better after he left
  9. We should keep an Eye on Nebraskas new coach ,Matt Rhule, before he took that job he turned around Temple and Baylor , if things go well in Nebraska he should be an option
  10. I was a tanker, I even made a thread similar to this one But then the Bucs,Saints and Falcons kept losing and we still had a chance for the playoffs and my heart took over, and I am no longer a Tanker , it felt good to go from being called a clown show to being in the playoff conversation After the Tampa game I don't think QB is our biggest need anyway, we were Tom Brady and Mike Evans get right game, that's going to sting all off-season
  11. My question is, why he isn't still with San Fran?, did something happen, I forgot
  12. Fug Pinerio , If he could make an extra point we would still be in playoff contention
  13. I have a feeling no Carolina player will ever get in the hall, we are allowed in the club but not allowed to participate
  14. He knew what he was doing , notice he suddenly doesn't have the batted ball problem in LA, we were a stepping stone plain and simple, his way out of Cleveland but not his final destination
  15. It also helps if the center knows when to snap it
  16. Fug the Cowpies, I hope Brady denies Jerry another superbowl
  17. We got so many breaks this game and still lost I would rather be 2-14 right now with the #1 pick secured, would feel better than another moral victory mediocre season
  18. Well, this is over , atleast I won't have to worry about the saints game next week
  19. Sigh, run the damn ball This is like 2 teams trying not to win
  20. Not if you play for the Panthers, Cam used to get mugged on every play with no call
  21. Lucky for us Wilks isn't the only conservative coach in the league
  22. That was the 2nd time the snap was fumbled, I don't think Bozeman and Darnold are on the same page
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