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Everything posted by KillerKat

  1. We got to call short dinks and dunks. We've called 2 long ass pass plays on that drive.
  2. Yes lets run at the weakest point of the line. Good job Shula!
  3. There were 3-4 Panthers standing at the line watching Gore get by them
  4. The biggest complaint wasn't the complexity of the playbook. It was calling the right plays at the right time. Something the Panthers offense has been lacking for years and years.
  5. JR should've let Gettleman pick his head coach in the offseason. This is the result.
  6. Thomas, you're a fuging mental midget. Just go back and line up idiot.
  7. why is it on every special package run play, it always means DWill runs up the middle?
  8. No way that was a late hit. BS penalty. He was still in bounds!
  9. Barner having trouble holding on to the ball just like preseason
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