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Status Updates posted by necroplasm

  1. Me and PSC hijack threads good too. But you're the commando.

  2. love your sig! Edit: (MST3K)...lol

  3. lol! that's for sure

  4. :lol: I totally agree!!
  5. I found that picture you took in your hotel... -pic-

  6. Long story. Around September my aunt got pneumonia, so I stayed with her til June and before that, my damn shitty emachine PC pooped out on me. So then after I got back.. finally got me a new computer, got my poo hooked back up and booyah.

  7. Have a good 4th, man. Don't get too wasted tonight.. if you do drink. Also be sure to eat plenty of bread with your beverages. bunny bread will do just fine. lol. Take care, bro.

  8. pretty cool so far. as long as those dirty reptilians don't fug with me, I'll be fine lol

  9. you got a plasma gun? lol

  10. damn, I wish chucktown would come back. tinderbox is so lackluster without him. lol

  11. any luck with that? Torrent download stuff...

  12. did he really have a knife.. or was u having an event of analepsis?!?

  13. mma-core. go there to see recorded matches.

  14. The Tinderbox needs more rationalist people like you! :D I would be able to read it's threads more.... lol

  15. alright cool. just let me know if you can't get something to work or whatever.

  16. lol you ever seen this movie?

  17. informs us on how in the NT, jesus forgot to specify how nice his spacesuit was when coming to earth. XD
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