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Everything posted by Kettle

  1. For better or worse till death do us part. I'll love you with every beat of my heart. #KeepPounding
  2. ​Winds of Winter will release before season 6. http://www.vcpost.com/articles/67704/20150518/winds-winter-release-date-officially-set-june-2016-george-r.htm
  3. Official synopsis of the finale, In “Mother’s Mercy,” Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged. http://legionofleia.com/2015/06/game-of-thrones-new-finale-pics-for-mothers-mercy/
  4. Fire would be cool. Maybe the night king could see it at hardhome.
  5. The attack on Jon is the only one that looks worthy of the final scene to me.
  6. Non-readers may have two fates in limbo. Jon, and then we may not see Dany in the finale.
  7. Probably right. That means we will be seeing "Winds of Winter" stuff next season for that arc.
  8. its not gonna be dany flying is my belief now. From screan caps ive seen the pit scene will be this week.
  9. Winds of Winter to release before season 6 of Game of Thrones. http://www.latinpost.com/articles/56760/20150601/winds-winter-release-date-news-chapter-george-rr-martin-finish.htm
  10. Just found this comment elsewhere.. Longclaw is Valyrian steel. Valyrian steel, according to legend, was forged by spells and dragonfire. So it's arguably better than dragonglass!
  11. ​Meryn isn't in Bravos though is he? He got there in the books with Sam, Gilly and Aemon IIRC. Stoneheart could break the net though as some put it.
  12. Maybe the attack on Jon will happen. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/05/jon-olly-game-of-thrones-kill-the-boy The article says he is signed on through season 7 though so if it does happen he is revived somehow. Also, some season 6 spoilers via casting details. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/05/game-of-thrones-season-6-casting-greyjoys-tarlys
  13. ​Good point, but I feel like too much else has to happen in the three remaining episodes for that to come this season. Maybe it does, but he has to return from getting the wildlings I think. It's also one of the last things that happens in the books. I would guess right now that we would see it next season. After he has some wolf dreams.
  14. I'll say Danny riding off from the pit on Drogon since a screen cap from the pit has been shown, and it seems her story is building toward that point. Others that I think are possible would be Cersei's walk of shame, The attack on Jon, or maybe Arya losing her sight. Or even something not in the books. What are y'alls opinions?
  15. The Vincredibles The Vin Twins The Vin Diagram
  16. My comment was as if i had taken too big a hit off the bong and then filled the room with a smokescreen.
  17. Foothills and Natty Greens are my closest. I prefer foothills of the two. They always have some good stuff that is frequently changing in addition to the staples you can find at the grocery stores. People's Porter, hoppyum and torch pilsner. Natty is weak on the abv for the most part with few over 6%.
  18. I have some Uinta Hop Nosh in the fridge right now while waiting on my next homebrew to be ready. Its a really nice IPA.
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