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Status Updates posted by Kettle

  1. i spend free time in downtown quite often. especially for the games. kurb and myself will be at tavern on 2nd watching along with some more of our friends that aren't huddle members. theres a thread in the fan legion section about it. maybe i'll see ya.

  2. i started to recommend this one but it isn't as easy to conceal, and you said you are a first timer _disintegrator_rubber_band_gun_4.jpg

  3. i take it i need to get my phone out

  4. i thought about that, but i'm good with what i have right now. i am gonna get a sport arm band for it though for exercising. i found one that's big enough on amazon for 20 bucks. i think some stereo bluetooth headphones too.

  5. I thought you would find it funny since rep doesn't matter. No?

  6. i used to try man, but my partial color vision makes it harder for me than most shitty players. i'm red/green/white so even if i hit the fairway finding the ball can take a while. i used to have clubs but sold them once i figured out it wasn't for me.

  7. i was going to bump my thread, but i can't find a pic that shows what i saw this morning. this one is good though. and look for a pm with another :ihih: 102317d1227307816-pic-day-2-some-may-slightly-nsfw-surfer-girl.jpg

  8. I'm honestly doubting any Panther related trips this year. I might be able to do a game early in the season, but its all about the baby right now, and with only 4 months left on this contract, saving and job hunting are priorities.

  9. I'm moving to Kernersville for a new job. Getting a new house too. AV setup seems to be pretty expensive when there is no entry to the room from the attic or crawl space. :( Its 2 story on a slab.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. j2sgam


      Sorry Kris, didnt see you had posted back... The flex is fine, that will allow you to pass whatever, you might need more than 1 HDMI at some point, depending on how you hook everything up... Gas fireplace makes it easier, usually a deadspace above, makes it easy to fish the cables where you want them... He could be suggesting to run the power over an extension cord with the HDMI. Not really supposed to do this, but I have when the client doesnt want to pay an electrician.

    3. j2sgam


      Call me if you want, 757-449-0057...

    4. Kettle


      I went with the flex without having seen your comment. Now I'll just need some rear speaker wires ran.

      I don't like how the new format treats the profile messages. I just have to keep checking back since I don't get a notification.

  10. I'm not entirely sure. I just read it, and felt like it was a textbook with definitions for that sentence. I grew up on different boats, and even worked through community college building kayaks. I may have misinterpreted the term in my experiences.

  11. i'm on the road, and won't be back home until mid may. currently working 12 hrs a day, 7 days a week. doesn't leave time for the huddle really. just in between tasks at the moment and thought i'd see if there's anything worth reading.

  12. i'm trying to make up my mind on what to brew next. i'm thinking a scotch ale recipe from one of my books. others under consideration are an IPA, a chocolate mint stout and a strong christmas ale. gonna be a couple weeks before i do it probably.

  13. i've never been, and wasn't planning on changing that this season. its always during the week, and as a contractor I can't miss making any money.

  14. I've seen the thread already. Loss slow on the phone though. Ive also seen christina many times. Pretty sure that's her name anyway

  15. Is the last one moving? It doesn't for me.

  16. is there something there that I can't see?

  17. It appeals to me, but I already have this other stout so I think I'm gonna hold off on it even though you actually melt semi sweet chocolate into the wort, and then let it sit on top of crushed mint leaves in the secondary. It sounds awesome, but IPA and scotch ale are good styles as well.

  18. It looks like just a half image again.

  19. it was supposed to be for everyone. that's how pyramid schemes work. i was at the top though, and likely would have benefited the most.

  20. its funny though that you used the pic that salty posted in my now employed thread

  21. Jerry already had the heart transplant

  22. job front is the same. sales jobs based on commission harassing me. putting resumes out all over the south east. a recruiter is trying to get me an interview with corning for a full-time gig but thats moving slow. i'm working on ways to keep money. like skipping payments. i just gotta make it to march.

  23. just giving you a hard time. i'm trying to think of something new, and haven't as of yet.

  24. just saw the rep comment man. we need to get together. my daughter is approaching a month old now.

  25. just saw you are having surgery. good luck with that man.

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