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  1. I agree i had my doubts about Purdy also but he is becoming an amazing passing qb. I think alot of people doubt him becaise he isnt athletically gifted but he just throws a great ball and makes great decisions. He could one day end up like brady bb discussion if coach makes him or he makes coach
  2. I think if he was on this team last year he would have performed alot better than Bryce Young. Not as good as he did with the 49ers of course but we would have made the playoffs. PFF has him 6th in nfl with their rankings I think thats about right currently and when you look at all the qbs in the nfl had me thinking if I were the gm what qbs woudl I take young over... I think maybe 2 .
  3. So Brock Purdy led the NFL in passer rating by a 10plus points. He put up amazing stats 5th in nfl in passing yards. His team is good his coach is good but still takes a great QB to make it happen. Everyone can keep saying he isnt any good and he can keep putting up crazy stats playoffs superbowls but is what it is would love to have him on this team instead of Byoung. 49ers are set for a while.
  4. Purdys stats are amazing and he wins. Look at past 49ers qbs under shanahan purdy brought out the best in everyone. Byoung would be like trey lance in the 49ers offense ......
  5. Please please let this happen and both of them come to the Panthers. Purdy light years better than BYoung and Shanahan may be the best coach in the NFL. But dont see the 49ers letting either of them go for a long time.
  6. Yeah this may not have been Teppers fault directly but whoever organized this and was in charge of security its a bad bad look took forever for security to even arrive. With the way people get sloppy drunk at all these events cops should be everywhere throughout the game.
  7. Byoung throwing to MB easily see him finishing the year with at least 2 catches for 4 yards.
  8. I am pretty sure we could have had steve smith in his prime and randy moss and b young led team would not have done much better but maybe i am wrong and he takes a big leap this year. I agree theilen was a great addition for us and played awesome and he did so despite horrific qb play. I mean extrapolate the one andy dalton game with him over the entire season....yeah i know thats a stretch but andy dalton all season he makes rhe probowl.
  9. The one game young was not throwing thielen the ball he caught 11 145 and 13.2 average.....who knows how great a year he could have had with a different qb.
  10. Diontae to theilen comparsion is really a close comparison if you look at the stats each has put up. Even the avg for each has been around the same.
  11. We can all speculate but put Thielen on the chiefs last year and would assume he would have blown away his career numbers and been probowl bound.
  12. He was tied for 10th in the nfl in receptions on this horrific offense with a horrific QB. He was 15th in the nfl in targets. He was 101 in yds/rec average. That could be a combination of him slowing down and a QB who struggled with time to throw and inaccuracy. This year will show more of which is more true, if the new WRs on the team light it up then it shows it was the team around bryce including theilen that was holding him back...or if bryce continues where he left off last year then it will show bryce was the one holding his team and coaches back last year. We will all get to find out in a few months.
  13. Its clear from all the articles last year was everyone elses fault but bryces. He basically was above Patrick mahomes last year just had everyone else on the team and coaches holding back his greatness.
  14. At some point I would like one coach or player just to come out be honest and admit by was overdrafted and lacks nfl caliber skills for the most part. I am pretty sure we could have another terrible year and next training camp we woild get by expecting breakout third year articles
  15. I am sure this will pass but I always hear about how this things bring more money to the community and having big events bring more people and money to the community. Yet somehow it just seems to get more crowded with taxes constantly increasing and roads getting worse. I would prefer new taxes just be on hotels and on ways to take from people visiting not on locals.
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