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  1. Only Brown (2.0) and Shy Tuttle (0.5) recorded a sack last season and also returned to this team.
  2. Pretty much, his deep passes have the accuracy and hangtime of a punt. Some punters may be more accurate.
  3. I like XL and hope he puts it together on the field. Not something to really bitch about right now, give him some time.
  4. We maybe win 5 games with Purdy last season, he is not a game changer by himself imo. We dont sniff the playoffs.
  5. Do you think he would put up the same or similar stats on our team? Its the same argument you guys had for Jimmy G and once the 9ers kicked him out he hasnt done poo since. Purdy is a good QB, he is not an elite QB.
  6. He had a case for MVP because of CMC, not in spite of him. No one said he's a bad QB, he's just not in the same tier as the elite QBs. As far as grading them, I will take pff over some random dude on the internet that thinks Purdy is a top QB. Dropping names like Sam Darnold and Jimmy gimp is not helping your case either.
  7. Who is then? The rest of those offensive guys are better at their respective positions than Purdy is at his. as evidenced by their ranking on the PFF top 50 and his exclusion. Explain how he is not the weak link?
  8. Purdy would not fare any better than Bryce on our team. He is basically in Jimmy G's shoes, he is the weak link on the 49ers. Aiyuk, Samuel, Kittle, and CMC, all he has to do is not fug up and walk to 12 wins a season.
  9. Welcome to the Huddle......We got fun and games.........
  10. His running ability is similar to Teddy Bridgewater. What accuracy? The dude was very inaccurate last season. He has no footwork to speak of, he has some weird things he does that he used to overcome his small stature when playing college and high school ball, that poo doesn't work in the pros. If his footwork was fine they would not be putting such an emphasis on it now. It seems you are the one who can't have an honest conversation about our starting QB because you are too big of a Bryce stan.
  11. Its not just the size. Its the size, plus a weak arm, terrible footwork, and not very agile or fast. All of this makes it very unlikely he will ever be a top 10 QB. His Breakout season would be a middle of the pack game manager. Id rather he just suck again and take a swing on a new QB, Young isnt winning anything meaningful in this league.
  12. And they still couldnt get it done with 7 top 50 players because the Chiefs have the one that matters, the best QB.
  13. Joe Montana as well... Qbs definitely win championships The 49ers clearly had the better team, yet the chiefs still won just this past season. Yes there are some 1 off guys but most super bowl winners have had great QBs.
  14. This is the problem for me. The guy has to make a massive improvement just to be a middle of the pack QB.
  15. While he is adapting, changing and leading, he has looked pretty much like the same guy his entire career. I dont have a problem with him now, hes a solid starter, hated when he had that massive contract and hes not a game changer.
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