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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Bingo. Rhule has been two years of bandaid fixes with decent starts before a crash and burn and this year's crash and burn was far more catastrophic than last year's. Last year had me decently hopeful. We fielded a competitive team. This year we didn't and the wheels feel completely off once he booted Brady and put his college buddy up in the booth. We became a complete laughing stock at that point.
  2. Suffering through failed splash QB moves have this fanbase fully willing to accept that we really don't NEED a good QB. That's just a nice thing to have. We're so far removed from watching Cam have an MVP season with Ted Ginn Jr. as his #1 WR we've just forgotten the impact a truly elite talent at QB can make.
  3. As if Facebook and Twitter weren't bad enough, along came TikTok.
  4. Speaking of Michigan's relentless commitment to academic integrity ...
  5. I'd feel a lot better about it if Rhule had a bigger NFL circle. He's just very limited on who he can get to consider this job based on his lack of NFL contacts compared to most other NFL HCs and his perceived red hot seat. Guys with other legit options are simply gonna say thanks but no thanks, like Pep Hamilton did.
  6. I could believe this of Tepper had the guts to make a change this off-season but he's staying the course. I guess he just needs some more humbling.
  7. Imagine being Patrick Mahomes' little brother. What a perfect storm for a massive inferiority complex.
  8. Michigan's far bigger problem is that they've effectively become OSU's little brother.
  9. Physically I see the comparison. Howell is a better athlete with his legs but nowhere near elite in that category at the NFL level. Baker probably has a little stronger arm. But yeah, physically they're comparable. I think the big difference between the two is between the ears. Every QB worth having walks a fine line straddling confident and cocky. Baker is kind of a hot head and tends to stagger over to the cocky side quite a bit IMO. Howell is a much more level headed never get too high, never get too low type. I honestly think Howell will be the better NFL QB but I think Baker is significantly underrated right now after probably being significantly overrated early on. Similar ride to Derek Carr's first four years in the league.
  10. The Steelers will be an interesting one to watch, but trading valuable building block assets for an aging bandaid QB already talking retirement just doesn't seem to be a very Steelers-like move. Then again, Colbert is retiring and who knows how much influence he has left within the organization so who knows?
  11. Yep. I see Rodgers in Denver. They feel like a team that's a QB away. I think he'll retire before he plays another season in GB. They're $44M over the cap next year and Rodgers says he wants no part of a rebuild. They're in forced rebuild territory. Honestly, they're far better off trading him for assets to rebuild around than wasting his final years.
  12. I'm not trying to discount McAdoo anymore than the NFL has after he was fired as the Giants' HC. I mean, they sure have been beating his door down. He's just not that good. Which is the best Matt Rhule can get.
  13. Yeah, big time marquee QBs could potentially drive the price down. A perceived weak QB draft class could potentially balance that out though. We'll see. Baker is a guy I could roll the dice on. Rolling the dice on Darnold was a joke.
  14. OBJ completely changed that offense and what they could do. Literally no DC lost any sleep thinking about how he was going to defend Victor Cruz. If you've forgotten how good OBJ was in his early years, just go back and watch him nearly single handedly pull off an insane comeback against us during our SB run in Cams MVP season.
  15. I'd take that deal in a heartbeat. But I think Baker would net at least a 1st. Potentially more. Possibly a lot more. We traded a 2nd, 4th, and 6th for the statistically worst starting QB in recent NFL memory.
  16. Baker is better than people want to admit. If the Browns move on from him they'll probably go back to being the Browns of old.
  17. Victor Cruz caught 59% of his targets while OBJ caught 70% of his and could make plays Cruz couldn't dream of. Cruz was a slot receiver forced into a #1 role and got popular because he played in a big market city and did a cute little celebration dance. Your flailing trying to make your case here.
  18. No disagreement there. Michigan, Notre Dame, and Texas are probably the three biggest delusional fanbases in college football. They all think they're top 5 programs. They used to be but they haven't been in a looooooong time. Nebraska used to be in that group but they seem to have accepted their new mediocre reality.
  19. Four wins in three years. 32 wins in four years. These situations couldn't be more different.
  20. This. I honestly couldn't have told you that Mahomes had a brother or a wife. If I was famous I would make Russell Crowe look laid back. I'd have to dedicate half my fortune to a legal slush fund for paying off TMZ creeps that I slapped up.
  21. DJ Moore would be a household name playing for a real NFL organization with a real NFL QB.
  22. 90% OBJ, 10% McAdoo People have forgotten how damn good OBJ was his first three years in the league. I mean, he was on potential GOAT trajectory.
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