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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Simms liked (and assuming still does) Stroud because he’s a better passer, same reason I did (past tense). Not because he’s taller. Hope he’s wrong this time. #brycebros
  2. I tried, can’t zoom out on the right side enough. It cuts off half of both or all of one column
  3. Yuck. The only times I’ve ever heard him speak he seemed to have the personality of an entitled goober.
  4. That’s what I’m saying. People keep hyping up their weapons but I can only guess it’s based on college performance and expectations cuz London and Pitts both are just meh. They’re ok but nothing to get worked up about. Some teams some years just get hype and the benefit of the doubt. The Bucs were the next great team for like ten years before they got Brady. Brady made it sorta true for one year and then they fell back to earth and mediocrity.
  5. 12 wins seems mighty optimistic, but like rayzor said none of the teams on our schedule is scary. To be more on the safe/realistic side I’d give up the game vs Tennessee and one game against Atlanta and predict 10-7, but I wouldn’t be surprised at 12 wins with this schedule. Early exit in the playoffs though, probably. Reminiscent of the Colts with Luck, for this first year or two. Feast on an easy schedule but get exposed vs better and more experienced teams in the playoffs.
  6. Looks like a soft end to the season, assuming the usual division games fill in the last three blank spots.
  7. Falcons and Saints go back to old NFCW days, I’d give the edge to the Falcons
  8. I honestly think he does have something left in the tank and no doubt there are at least a few teams he is better than the starter, but not here. It’s Young’s team now and whether Cam would intend it or not, his presence would cause some discord. Among fans if nothing else. But nfw he wouldn’t start on the Bucs, 9ers, maybe even Packers (we’ll see about Love). Maybe another team or two I’m not thinking of. When he played for us the second time he wasn’t great after the first game, but he wasn’t the problem.
  9. I can agree to that. Cam’s my all time favorite and I’d hate for there to be any hard feelings. Hope he is brought back into the fold like Smitty and is a presence with the team again.
  10. Yea I don’t disagree he was a slight reach, the only reach we had imo, but Person’s guess about what round he’d go in shouldn’t be used as a reference heh. In the end, there was a run on pass rushers and the team wanted to make sure they got a guy they liked that fit their system so they had to pounce. For all we know he could have been the next pass rusher taken and then we’d have been left without one.
  11. Because that’s where Person mocked him? props to Joe for finally getting something right in his career, helluva hit rate with 4/5 right guesses.
  12. Good owners don’t meddle. Tepper doesn’t meddle. Obviously he shouldn’t have hired Rhule, but it was just part of the learning curve. I’d say he learned from his mistake and did better the second time, at least as far as we can tell so far.
  13. Imo, the goat title belongs to the player that elevated the team the most, not the most talented at their position necessarily. That was easily Cam, no other player even came close to his impact on the team. If we’re picking who the best player at their position was, tie between Luke and Smitty.
  14. You almost got my pie til that last line lol. That was definitely Rhule, not Tepper.
  15. I doubt they’ll be splitting reps. Bryce will get the majority of snaps with the 1s and Reich will say again it’s because Dalton doesn’t need reps. Then well before preseason game 1 Bryce will be announced the starter. Just roster politics, not worth fretting over.
  16. Sad confession: I preferred Kinlaw at the time Glad I was wrong on that one.
  17. Yea, saying he was blocked 1 on 1 all the time just negates everything.
  18. Quoting PFF doesn’t help your argument. In ‘21 he was still very good, flashed great at times. He just wasn’t very good in the way that impresses most people (like PFF). He did the dirty work. And he was very good at it. Overreactionary people (and people who don’t look past surface stats and roles) around here were throwing out the bust label while I and a few others were pointing out how he was actually doing what he was supposed to be doing very well. Not perfect, not elite, but certainly not mediocre. He was only mediocre if you’re trying to compare him to a different type of DT that wasn’t his role (which is what PFF does).
  19. Last year Brown was pro bowl material though. Best DT in the league aside from Donald, imo. Being on a bad team and not winning the popularity contest doesn’t diminish the level he played at. The first two years I’d say he was very good to great at times. Last year he was elite.
  20. Yea I appreciated that segment, discussing the roles of guys like Brown and Star and how losing Star negated Short’s ability to do what he was best at. For the gamers out there, Brown is a tank and guys like Short and Donald are dps. Dps ain’t gonna do much without the tank to give them the opportunity to do their damage heh
  21. There isn’t a huge difference between 12 and 7 when talking about whether a position is drafted at that spot or not. No position is “not good value” at 7 but “good value” at 12. Ngata had 32 sacks in 12 years. He wasn’t a sack guy. I respect your opinion, but I greatly disagree that sacks are needed or even a good indicator of contribution or value at that position. Brown had been improving every year and started out well too. He’s not far off of Vea, if less at all (I’d have to watch more of Vea to give a strong opinion). And 5 sacks, 6 sacks, these are not significant numbers. For a position where sacks are tertiary at best, you have to judge based on how they disrupt the offense as a whole, not whether they get a sack every few games or not. It’s like saying a WR who gets 1300 receiving yards and 300 rushing yards is worth #7 but not a WR that gets 1300 receiving yards and 50 rushing yards.
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