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  1. He’s an immature child. He has talent but doesn’t seem particularly interested in achieving anything as a professional basketball player. Just a stat sheet stuffer when he does play.
  2. I heard the lakers offered a 2045 first round pick too but the hornets declined.
  3. This is probably a guy who should have faded into the limelight after his playing days were over. Even when he was playing it was better when he didn’t talk too much because something stupid was bound to come out of his mouth. Not sure that giving him a bigger microphone is the solution.
  4. Icky too. He was playing at bust levels last year and looked a lot better this year. I think Campen was spending more time starting drama in the front office than actual coaching.
  5. As long as Ian Thomas finally gets cut I don’t really care what we do at TE.
  6. I was a huge hater and doubter through the Denver game and still uncertain but willing to change my mind after the Giants win. The games that were played after that made me think that he's the guy. Even his bad games, against Dallas and Tampa, were nowhere near the level of bad that we saw in the first 20 or so starts. He made big throws under pressure, led game-winning drives, and at times put the team on his back and will them to a victory. If not for our shitty defense we would have beaten Kansas City. If not for Leggette not being able to catch we had a lead at Philly with less than a minute left and their coach not having the confidence to try 50+ yard field goals so I like our chances to win that one too. We win the Tampa game without Hubbard's untimely fumble. That essentially puts us at .500 for the season and right in the thick of the race. Pretty good considering we had the worst defense in NFL history.
  7. Yes, of course it matters if you're going to cite historical examples to prove a point and then not say who you're talking about. Unless your source is "trust me, bro."
  8. Whose stat line are you referencing or are you just making something up?
  9. You can’t set a record for points allowed in a season and keep your job. He did the same poo in the cowboys game with Xavier Woods covering Lamb and we got killed that game too.
  10. Why stop there since you are making up stats? Let’s go with something really unattainable. 600 yards and 7 TDs every game or you’re just backup level.
  11. The trip to lambeau in 2019 was fun, especially with the snow. Might have to make it again.
  12. Mahomes wasn’t drafted for competition. He was taken to be the franchise QB. Smith was sent to Washington the following year.
  13. Bro, that was his 12th year in the league…
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