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About BIGH2001

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  1. I have disagreed with you before but I will agree today. He gets credit for playing well enough to win and leading a big drive for the game winner. He’s done enough to earn starts for the next few games at least to see where we stand at that position.
  2. I’m old enough to remember when the national pundits were sucking off the 2-0 saints after a blowout win in Dallas.
  3. Dennis Allen will be fired before the election
  4. Really liking these young receivers.
  5. Starting to be out on Canales. He appears to have no feel for the strengths and weaknesses of his players.
  6. Who are these panthers fans that are still going to games?
  7. Hardest hit by this pussy defense all year
  8. There’s the midget’s favorite pass.
  9. This trade is still mind boggling when you write it out like that. And it was for a 5’9” midget with a weak arm and no internal motivation to be great at his job.
  10. Richardson had fewer games than Bryce to right the ship. I’m fully expecting everyone on the bottom feeder ESPN hot take shows to blame the colts organization and not the shitty player like they did here (sarcasm).
  11. He was brought in to help the midget look like a competent QB. That plan blew up spectacularly.
  12. The majority (not all) of the teams on that list have taken recent swings at QB and failed miserably. That position is obviously of high importance as we all know.
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