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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. The issue with defensemen is this- only 2 lefties in the mix: Slavin and Skjei are the only lefties. I think Coghlan gets Bear's spot as the #3 RD, Calvin DeHaan is on a PTO and he's the only other LD on the roster. Slavin-Burns Skjei-Pesce DeHaan-Coghlan Chatfield/Bear (keep in mind, Bear is on a $2.2M contract) are the 2 contenders for the 7th D-man spot.
  2. This is the best opportunity the 24-year old blue-liner has had. He wasn't a top starter in Vegas, playing in 29 games during the COVID-shortened season and 69 games last year. He played 2 seasons in Chicago before they were a Hurricane affiliate. But look at these numbers and I think the Canes may have found a diamond in the rough:
  3. Canes will finish with at least 45 shots. Coghlan must have 10...
  4. TB needs to fill a lot more holes in their lineup than the Canes. Canes are pretty much stacked this year. I'm talking Paige Spirinac stacked.
  5. Imagine the level of expectation and pressure on the kid named Bobby Orr to succeed in the NHL. Parents did him no favors...
  6. I prefer individual game threads. But then, I'd also like to see them disappear within a few days after the game. No need to leave them up for weeks after the game.
  7. You mean, like Jacoby Brissett and Daniel Jones?
  8. Stevie Wonder would not have challenged that call.
  9. Imagine starting a season 0-3 losing to Jacoby Brissett, Daniel Jones and Jameis Winston. Any other HC with any self-respect would jump off a roof.
  10. Was reported on WRAL sports on the late news last night that Gardiner has "suffered a setback" and is not participating in camp. I'm not a cap guy, but how long do we have to carry him and at what point does it become counterproductive? I mean, he's an okay blue-liner, not a franchise player. Why are we going into year 3 without him on the ice?
  11. Canes camp roster is 47 skaters and 6 goalies. On-ice sessions started today after physicals yesterday. Would love to know Jake Gardiner's status following the physical.
  12. And there you go... he could join an entire organization of dicks, he'd be right at home.
  13. I would give New Orleans a bag of dicks for him, just to make sure they didn't have to suffer through another season of not having a bag of dicks on the sideline.
  14. You're fortunate. Most municipalities and counties require foundation permit and inspection, regardless of what is sitting on top of it. Electrical?
  15. How's the permitting process and inspections where you are? Fairly quick and hopefully not waiting for days to do a foundation final, etc.?
  16. Been awhile and I've finally gotten onboard with some of the more popular series of the past couple years: Queen of the South Breaking Bad Ted Lasso If you haven't watched any of the "Untold" sports documentaries on Netflix- they are good: "Bad Sport" on Netflix is another series similar to "Untold." Couple of those episodes are really good. I still have to catch up on Barry and Succession from this past season.
  17. The Saints have been beating Carolina's ass for quite some time. Specifically, a 2-9 going back to the 2017 season. And, given some of the most dismal performances in the history of the franchise, I doubt another loss to the Saints will make any difference.
  18. in stark contrast, here are the Carolina Hurricanes coming down the tunnel...
  19. His defensive skill set got a lot better in Chicago the last couple years, although he steadily increased PIM, mostly because Chicago has been pretty bad since their last Cup run and the decision to get rid of everyone on the team but Patrick Kane. Solid 17-18 minutes per game on the ice and he's a left hand shooter. He's got a better chance of making the roster than Derek Stepan does at this point.
  20. To be fair, most politicians are also shady business owners or have very close relationships with shady business owners. And the NFL is one very shady business. Somehow exempt from anti-trust legislation, a pure monopoly and essentially a 21st century plantation operation paying its workers a poo-ton of money to pick that TV revenue cotton.
  21. Okay, pay attention this time. The roughing call was questionable. But, the roughing call, just like the spike rule are both judgment calls. My guess is you would not have said a thing about it had the Browns needed a TD to win and Brissett spiked the ball to stop the clock so he could make one last heave into the end zone and it fell harmlessly to the ground. You would not have said a fugging word about the call/no-call had the Panthers convincingly won the game.
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