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Status Updates posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Pie is the slice of life

  2. I'd be more than happy to get you the names of any rescues or other organizations you can contact if you like. Simply let me know where you're located and I'll get you some info within a reasonable distance from your home.

  3. Thanks for the rep. Hey, I've rooted my ass off for this team over the years. We were at the stadium at 3AM in 2003 when they beat the Eagles and rolled in from the airport. We've been on road trips to see these guys. It's just been a very frustrating couple years...

  4. And just how does one "give pie?" Minimum posts required before I have that privilege I'm guessing since I have no buttons anywhere that indicate I can.

  5. Can't decide who I dislike more- Saints or Patriots...

  6. Dude, I'm sorry to hear about the marriage.

    Maybe I'm a little late to the game but I was divorced in NC back in the early 90's and, as far as I know, while a legal separation is always okay, a divorce will be granted with or without separation papers the minute a year has gone by since you lived under the same roof as her (in NC).

    I went and got a lawyer, first thing she asked me, "How long have you been apart, not living together?"

    "Little over a year," I reply.

    She then asks me if my estranged wife would agree or stipulate we've been separated for over a year. Of course, I said yes and my lawyer filed all the papers. Was all said and done within a couple weeks. Sign this, sign that, she does the same, filed at the county courthouse- done.

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