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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. Rumor is up to 10 teams want to trade for Terry.
  2. He's put up numbers at UCONN. LiAngelo now has to compete with this guy for a roster spot. This will at least be interesting.
  3. Agreed. Not a fan of Jones. I'd take Bassey or DayRon Sharpe.
  4. Nothing to see here. We don't need a center folks. What I said "several centers" no longer applies folks.
  5. Not trolling. He was a Hornet. Had the Hornets played hardball who knows.
  6. Kobe later said he would have played for the Hornets. It was his agent pushing the deal.
  7. Hey, hey, now! Blackmail is real and a serious problem in America!
  8. That was somebody "playing hardball" with Watson. His reputation was fine until this sort of class action round up of "accusers" before his public statements of not returning wanting a trade not showing for camp. He was an outstanding guy before he got out of line. He's back in line now. Isn't he?
  9. I've enjoyed watching BB come up. As far as the DE position, I expect his sacks to come up THIS year. Most DEs, CJ, GH for example had that third year jump.
  10. Having a guy like CMC makes an OLs job easier. There's going to be a lot of CMC/Hubbard I hope. Moton is back. Sam? It's put up or shut up time, same for Brady. I hope they love the challenge and take advantage.
  11. Somebody gets it. What was wrong with having Fields AND Darnold?
  12. Isiah Jackson, Garza would solve all our problems. Still. Yes.
  13. Historically, LaMelo makes up for the Kobe mistake. We had the opportunity at a better history. Now here's the correction. We MUST build around LaMelo be it players, family or both. Before he ever played a game on this here site I said we either have Sean Livingston or Magic Johnson. I think it's clear now.
  14. Truthfully, this is the most interesting experiment the Hornets have undertaken. I can't remember this many eyes on our Hornets. What's ironic is that Lavar started his professional career HERE in Charlotte. Are we looking at the whole family moving back here (EAST COAST) if MJ signs all three? I've always said that anybody that moves away from Charlotte always come back. I've seen it happen personally too many times.
  15. Also, your getting close to the line as far as personal attacks. Your logic is flawed so you resort to name calling. YOU need a time out. Or a nap.
  16. You thought the same thing when I was on the Justin Herbert Official Bandwagon. Stupid like a fox.
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