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  1. It’s really been that way since Cam left. Everything wrong with this franchise has been compounded mistakes after parting with the best player in the history of your franchise.
  2. You think other QBs aren’t working on their footwear right now? Yall latch on to agendas and ride them into the ground. Don’t know how you’ll manage to celebrate in success with Bryce this year.
  3. I hurt your feelings? You don’t want to post with me no more….ok.
  4. It ain’t hard. A nice woman might help with that.
  5. You going to keep peddling this like it’s some victory lap for you. This a new year. Fresh perspective. Try it some time.
  6. Typically in America blacks have to be either twice as good or fill a quota to get the same jobs.
  7. Yes. Nobody is making shoes to match the Panthers.
  8. This is a Panthers hate thing more than anything else
  9. Who the fug was going to catch it? Then you’d just bitch about his decision making.
  10. Then stop giving one man the credit
  11. Baker didn’t fuging rebound with him. Sick of this false narrative. Baker only ever played poorly here.
  12. You gotta relax and worry less. These are professionals. They can snap a ball bruh
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