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About thunderraiden

  • Birthday 05/30/1988

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  1. https://x.com/RussellOkung/status/1814110126292267428
  2. https://x.com/RussellOkung/status/1814005433377386913 Incase tweet embed doesn't load i included screen grab and link: https://x.com/RussellOkung/status/1814005433377386913
  3. I think they mentioned that 2.7 seconds is just the decision time, he can still leave the pocket if its the best option at 2.7
  4. So yall do realize that there is someone that has to pay the players checks right? I'm almost 100% positive there has to be some type of owner approval at the executive NFL level for any trades or signings regardless of team. Otherwise you would have dipshit GM's trying to save their jobs by giving up 3 1st round picks for Desuan Watson and a fully guaranteed contract in a lame duck year.
  5. I haven't been able to watch a hard knocks in years, but this one is actually pretty friggin great as we rarely get this kind of insight. Highly recommend. Unfortunately/Fortunately lots of Panthers content dripped throughout the episode including our 2003 Super Bowl run due to Giants GM starting in Carolina, GM being best friends with Dan Morgan, and obviously Brian Burns.
  6. Greatest trade of all time if we ship Burns and select Stroud. Current trajectory for Worst trade of all time shipping Dj Moore and selecting Bryce... yikes
  7. This thread really shows who the morons are, dude hasn't been around bryce for more than 24hours when this was reported and people with low iq still took it and ran with it. Glad to finally see people expose themselves.
  8. Hasnt Clowney only been around Bryce for less than 24 hours?
  9. Lol Cam Newton is on record describing the mismanagement of CMC here by our felony indicted training staff and this is your take away?
  10. $18,825 in Caesar sports book right now in Tennessee so prob $20k even in Vegas.
  11. We are about to run the ball so fuging far down teams mouths. If Bryce cant perform when the boxes get stacked against this run game thats about the only way I see our team being complete poo again.
  12. Spanish broadcaster for the Giants confirms.
  13. Yep they are so salty, just like that unnamed "NFC Exec" talking poo about the pick aka Jerry Jones.
  14. Note: I'm willing to concede NT probably is a bigger depth need than starter need, but I just never felt like Shy was a natural fit for NT and he is currently the closest thing we have still. I was hoping we brought in Robinson for that role but he repeatedly stated in his press conference that he has never been an NT and doesnt plan to ever be an NT.
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