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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Go ahead and make sure your insurance is in order. You know Hubert isn't going to do that.
  2. I don't doubt that State was hyped up for the game. It was the closest they had come to winning any sort of title in years. And they pulled out the win.
  3. I wouldn't even consider that trash talk. It's soft and you're having a fit over it. For someone that said they didn't care about winning the tournament, you're taking the L badly. As you said, State wanted it more and they handled business unlike the Heels. They, like their fans, seemed to think the game was in the bag before it was even played.
  4. State is doing their best to give UNC a chance
  5. If the announcers are correct and State wins, they'll have won 5 games in 5 nights, which has never been done before.
  6. State hasn't won the tournament since 87. That's one long drought.
  7. I'm surprised they didn't make that a flagrant 1. Still, play on.
  8. lol. I know. I'm messing with you
  9. UNC has upped the defensive pressure the last minute or so and it's helped them.
  10. I haven't seen any State fan post in the thread in weeks, but it is a rivalry game. Burns is a big boy.
  11. You were also doing the juvenile name calling earlier with the fatty fat stuff. You've been having a 4Corners type of posting night
  12. Davis' stepback 3 is money this game
  13. Burns isn't pushing off with an arm. He's just using his weight to bully his way to the paint.
  14. At least college still has a little bit of a post game.
  15. The same every player does in every sport that has fouls. It wasn't them
  16. State is almost ice cold right now.
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