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Status Updates posted by Hawk

  1. Thanks bro...Happy New Year to you as well...I hope our paths get to cross some day!

  2. I've been told your trouble?!! Thats a good thing...welcome aboard!

  3. pssst....you are supposed to put outgoing messages in other people's profiles...not your own! Just trying to help!!!! and no gun...my caulk only needs a holster!

  4. and your name isn't even in my last 10!!!

  5. cool...just please....no pictures of you I hope!!!!!!! lol

  6. I'm never funny damn it!!!

  7. hey Mike...nice to have you back!!! What are you up to these days?

  8. and an asshole!!!!

  9. what....huh...errr...I never heard a word you said!!!!

  10. and it actually worked? weird...but cool! I'm probably behind anyway!

  11. hahahahaha....you got that right...on both counts!

  12. nah...I won't be there...I live a few too many thousand miles away!!! I've been out that way each year for the past three in a row though, so I am due!

  13. ummm...no!! I was distracted is all!

  14. cheers buddy...and thanks for making it really easy to stay here!!!! One day I will punch you in the throat

  15. vacation, very limited internet

  16. he searches for the answer to the question that he's never been asked!!!!!

  17. thats awesome...good for you!!! I've been ok...sick as hell the last couple of days...but I'm sure it will pass!!!

  18. good to hear...enjoy...people always used to tell me this and I never really paid it much attention, but they do grow up sooo damn fast!

  19. nothing makes me sadder than reading that!!!! How are you doing? How's that wing?

  20. sweet!!! well, hopefully this is the last time you have to deal with it for a while!!!

  21. ya, that might take a little time...as long as you don't overdue it!!!

  22. Hawk

    well fug you then...don't reply to my PM! Who do you think you are, Zod?

  23. who do you think really gives a poo though

  24. I dunno buddy...sounded like a pretty strong message to me!!!!!!

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