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Ivan The Awesome

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Everything posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. I'm getting on the phone with Gettleman right now. He needs to see this list.
  2. Wait, Sammi's responsible for all this? Here I thought they agreed instantly upon hearing they would be on air with Jeremy Igo. Who knew? lulz
  3. WTF...SO....our star DE goes down and we move to get a replacement. Where was this for when KB went down? -_-
  4. Gettleman, just go ahead and do it man. Bring up Cox from the practice squad... Allen - Love - Short - Cox Just do it!
  5. A rare miss from my boy PhillyB. This time, I am glad you're wrong. lol.
  6. So I just found out my plant manager plays this game...that is so freaking awesome. I tried getting that black spindle...didn't work. Not high enough light level.
  7. I didn't have time to pick anything up from the arms dealer, I'll have to do it this week. I got lucky with strikes, been getting several engrams. I used the last three of coin on that Hal aluk or whatever his name is and I got 2 exotic engrams to drop, and 3 legendary engrams, got the Hawkmoon at 290, and the Nighthawk helmet for my hunter. Then one Legendary scout rifle and a auto rifle that are decent. My maxed character right now is 277. I'm slowly but surely getting there. This weeks nightfall is a bitch though. It's hard as hell. That trickle effect is the worst.
  8. I need people to play with, unfortunately with my schedule I only game on the weekends and since the expansion dropped I haven't had time to level up. I'm currently light 262 on my warlock and that's the highest I have at the moment. I'm on the XBONE, PsychoPandaRR is my gamer tag.
  9. I got the Hawkmoon as well! I got lucky, I'm leveling it up. I absolutely love that gun. I spent around 2 hours on the story yesterday, I got my hunter her void bow. This game feels like a new game so far, not a DLC. That's just me though.
  10. I can't play until friday as well. OMFG.
  11. Bene getting at Sammi. Sammi telling him to calm down back there. lolololol!
  12. Kuechly finishing positive even after leaving the game. Simply amazing.
  13. They say we're fuged without Luke Kuechly. We beat the Jags without Luke Kuechly. lol. Like I said in another thread, the Jags are just as good if not better than the Texans. The Jags have the advantage of having a QB. Bortles will be a decent QB once he gets it. The Jacksonville D held us to one TD on offense. Shut down our Running game as well. The Texans D is just as good if not better but the Texans don't have a QB. They have amazing wide outs though. something jacksonville had. But the jags are a young team that is on the rise. The Texans have always been stagnant. They are middle of the pack and the only way they can win this is if they shut us out on offense. Which, unfortunately is possible with our current offense. Shula will have to be more creative and the players execute...I think the Defense will have to score again to jump start this offense. If Keek isn't back that's fine, I think the defense can handle the texans offense. 13-10 Panthers, Gano game winner.
  14. In one of my fantasy leagues I have Gronk and Scobee...I'd be killing it if Scobee didn't miss those two other field goals...ugh.
  15. I felt inspired so i wrote a small poem. Remember, remember. The 10th of September. On the day of the Seasons commence. One future GOAT, fierce and Intense, will bless us more with his divine presence. Luke Kuechly is his name and he pisses excellence. We will witness, Greatness, Happiness, emotions of all sorts. All thanks to the man with the high nipple shorts. -Ivan @Ivan_Da_Awesome
  16. Not me, I had several that I didn't upgrade on purpose and they are still the same. Glitch maybe?
  17. I got the super good advice, Thorn, invective and pocket infinity without even doing poo..lol wtf?!
  18. That Hawkmoon...I have a mini Hawkmoon. Her Mercy with Last round, Luck in the Chamber and Explosive rounds. lol. It's amazing. But I can't wait to get my Hawkmoon!
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