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Ivan The Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. I'm human after all.

    1. Ivan The Awesome

      Ivan The Awesome

      Holy poo you can put comments on this!

  2. Laura...again.

    1. Ivan The Awesome

      Ivan The Awesome

      Ah my dearest Laura. Why must we be apart?

  3. Jenna Marbles, look for her on Youtube.

  4. Yeah, I was, it was 3 am. I couldn't sleep. Weird now perspectives change with time zones eh? I was up late, you were up early. Haha.

  5. Can't wait to go back 'home'.

  6. Actually, if I could fit the pic below in my avy space, I'd use that. But It's too big. :(

  7. Now I seriously need to know where you and nc_biscuit find all these hot chick pictures. pweaaaase. =D

  8. Your heaven is trying everything, to break me down.

  9. That Sombrero needs to be tilted to the side. Like Cam newtons hat.

  10. Laura, why are you on my damn mind so much?!

  11. Hey! Yeah, you! Hey! Sup?

  12. Iz it draft tiamz yet?

  13. Dude, you gave me negative feed back for no reason. Wtf?

  14. Need that "site"s name please...<<;

  15. I fuging love you.(No homo.)

  16. Every time I visit this page, I have a massive erection after leaving. Sigh.

  17. You sure, are a King among men.

  18. Thanks for the help Jase. 

  19. The Blondes Name is Ally Ann. A Pr0n star. Good at she does. Yeah I've had my run ons with that guy. The guy just gets butthurt quickly and over reacts if you don't share his views. Sad part is he's very contradictory, asenine, with a splash of hypocrisy. I abhor people with those mannerisms. You can't have a civilized debate with them. It's ridiculous. You brought really good points that I agree with, but be dismisses it with ass kissing. Eh, whatever.

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