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  • Birthday 01/06/1968

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  1. we will not get any real talent until tepper sells the team.
  2. Colin kapernick will come back before cam ever does LOL.
  3. What city would even take the panthers lol
  4. Thats what really gets me because thats supposed to be his strength and was what he was drafted for because it sure as poo wasnt for his physical shape and size..
  5. All I know is dan morgan will surely fug it up again.
  6. They guy played at bama.. they don't produce good QBs.. yet he was fawned all over on.
  7. Canales put in BY to appease tepper we aint dumb
  8. Please BY is done stop trying to make it happen
  9. no wonder your username is electros horse.. I remember that dude.
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