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Everything posted by jopie87

  1. I've been on this forum since before the name change and this may be my favorite post ever, lol.
  2. Justin Fields is going to be really, really good if he can avoid injury.
  3. A RB in the first 2 rounds should never happen again. RB by committee and later round guys is the way to go.
  4. One day we will all look back on these days and just laugh and laugh as the team celebrates another Superbowl run.
  5. Jake's comeback game? Damn, didn't remember the 1st half being that bad.
  6. No one wants to trade for picks that will be used after they are fired. Should have pulled the trigger.
  7. I played on a high school team that went like 1-29 over a three year period. That half made me feel nostalgic for those teams.
  8. Best guess, yea. Man, last week was so fun until it went haywire. poo turned fast.
  9. It turns out, Eddy was a Falcon all along, at heart.
  10. We have like what, 9 more weeks to see if he is! I do believe he is the best QB on the roster right now. More reps, more film will either prove that right or show me I'm full of poo. This season is lost now, no reason to not try to find something to root for. A QB I have liked since the XFL isn't the worst thing to root for.
  11. Dude was 4th string in camp. If he can show to consistently be at this tier or better, he's going to make a long career for himself, and that's awesome.
  12. I don't think there is talent issue with him whatsoever. He has the most arm talent on the team by a considerable margin. He is the bar for this year. If another QB wants to see the field this year, they need to clear the PJ bar. Next year, entirely different story.
  13. We have seen plenty of trash QB play in the last 25+ years. If that was trash, I'll take trash. The pick 6 sucked, was a freak play. He picked himself up and battled like hell. There are not many QBs that can make that throw to DJ.
  14. I want him part of the franchise. He's a leader. Don't do what the raiders did. Raiders played their asses off for Bisaccia last year after he took over a poo show. Raiders kicked him to the curb for an offensive mind. They're worse off.
  15. ...do you have to announce your own departure at a train station?
  16. They gotta change the algorithm used in those percentages. If Eddy is your kicker, just set that poo to 0 if the outcome depends on his foot.
  17. He will be cut. Zero doubt. Plenty of 'camp legs' looking for a chance to finally make a roster.
  18. I would not consider the end of regulation XP to be a routine kick. It was a pressure kick, he missed. Given an easier but still pressure kick, he missed. How close would it needed to have been to be considered an easy kick in OT, inside the 10?
  19. Tanking isn't going to work. This team is playing way too hard to go winless the rest of the way.
  20. Pressure broke him. When's the last pressure kick he made to win a game? He's missed plenty in his career when it mattered most.
  21. Dude missed an easier kick like 10 minutes later.
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